Every individual hopes to see a little mini him/her walking on Earth. A few actually take the opportunity of becoming a parent as a privilege because it is a bitter truth that a few couples do not get this lucky. Thanks to growing complexities of ways of living and life in general many kinds of ailments make it tough for a few couples to become parents and this bleak fact make the children even more prized and valued.

 Infant mortality rate in India has been on decline but, not a steep decline. Slow and steady, we are reaching a momentum. Literacy rate thankfully is on a commendable rise and every parent aspires to enrol their children in the best of the best schools. World class education in the need of the hour but, somewhere in all this hustle bustle of superior schooling a vital factor gets ignored- Security arrangements outside the school.

The security arrangements in the school premises of course are thoroughly examined by the parents but, outside the school?

It is often compromised upon and if not, outside the school premises which child can be a 100% safe? Such wholesome protection cannot be promised by anyone but, what can be promised is a stronger protection.


IT Company, Javin has come up with one such product that not only assures of the child's safety outside the school premises but, also allows school authorities to install stricter security regimen by giving them an application that will bring to them their entire fleet of school vehicles with just one click.

The eSchool Travel mobile app lets the parents comfortably track and monitor their child's school bus through the GPS tracking methodology. It also empowers them quick communication with the driver of the school bus through configured notification alerts of the real time location of the school bus along with chat through messaging.

This futuristic product of eSchool Travel can be brought to use by one time downloading the mobile application from the Google play store by all the parents, school management and the bus drivers. Nominal subscription charges will have to be paid by the parents.

 Luckily, for early bird subscribers, a one month subscription plan is free for now.

We suggest you to give the application a try and bring a protective change in the life of your dear little child. You may recommend the application to your friends too!

Source : articlesbase.com


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