Every business owner knows how essential marketing is. Even if you offer the best product or service you will have to promote it as much as possible. Only then you will be able to beat the competition. In fact, these days some of the big companies spend as much on marketing as they do on production. The technique they focus most on is search engine optimization (SEO). This is done to ensure that your potential customers are able to find you online when and where they are looking. The basic idea is very simple but the techniques are quite complex to understand. And to actually make it happen is extremely hard. All the info you need to get started is in this article right here.


The basic information

Whenever you want to find a business you go to your favorite search engine, which is Google in most cases. Most of internet users in the world do the same. And when you get results for the search you click on one of the top three links. According to survey, more than 50% of the users click on the first link. About 80% do not even look beyond the first three. Hardly 2% of the users go to the next page. This means that having a good rank on search engine results will get more potential clients to your website. And this is exactly what SEO is about. It is the method of getting to the top and staying there for as long as possible.


Getting started with SEO

The very first thing you need to start is a website. It is good if you already have and it is even better if you do not. If you have to start from point zero, you can build the whole site specifically as per the SEO requirements. In that case you should first read the SEO marketing tips and then start with the design. Or you can also hire a web designer. It is just a onetime expense so do not think much about it. Just make sure that it fulfills the purpose. But SEO is a continuous process and can be quite expensive if you hire an expert. Thus it is advised that you should learn the basic techniques and do it on your own. It will take you some time to get a hold of it, so be patient.


Some useful tips

Before you think about getting on the top, you should first make the list. There must be thousands of websites like you. To have a better rank you need to be better. The basics things are quite obvious. In the results of a search engine, you are shown three things about the website. These are the title, URL and description. So you should first make sure that at least these things are exactly as a search engine wants. This will get you a decent rank on the results pages. After that you can think about the complex things like keyword density.

Source : articlesbase.com


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