Balancing her career and family has been a dilemma for my mother ever since she decided to go back to work. Both my parents work late most of the time. Good thing is that I am already in middle school so looking after myself was not that much of a burden. I am pretty independent when it comes to taking care of myself. I understand that having both of my parents work for the family generates more income for the family. With the recent economy, who would not want to earn a little extra, right? The only problem happened when my grandmother got really sick. I can say that she became weaker since she had that fall in the toilet. I could even hear her cry at night because of pain despite the pain killers and other medications her doctor gave her. My parents were doing everything to take care of her, yet with their pretty busy schedules, it was pretty tough. Of course, I would take care of my grandmother but with school in my hands, there was so little time to spend with her. With this dilemma, I started searching online for help and found out a home care service for my grandmother.

Both my parents were willing to give it a try. I was the one who talked to this about them with my grandmother. She was at first hesitant having some stranger taking care of her, but we reassured her that she will just be at home. She would just like have somebody assisting her with her daily needs. When we met with the home care service manager, he gave a detailed explanation on how things are going to work out. It was pretty impressive that such people can provide professional care right under the rooftops of the elderly. It amazed me.The home care service assistant comes to my place every day. She normally starts her day helping my grandmother get up from bed. They take a ten-minute walk to a park right in front of the house. It really helps my grandmother. When it comes to feeding her, my grandmother prefers doing it herself. Well, the elderly likes having their independence practiced. The home care assistant just helps her fix the table and clean the dishes after. With her meds, there is a chart made by the home care assistant indicating the time and dosage of her medicines. It keeps her on track, but I guess that chart must have been for us, to have our part in checking my grandmother when she has taken her meds at night. She leaves home right after my grandmother is put to bed at around 8 at night. I must say that she is an incredible assistant around the house.With my decision of having someone take care of my grandmother, the family is assured that my grandmother gets the professional care that we could not possibly give her. Also, her compassionate and empathetic demeanor makes my grandmother trust her. I sometimes see them having a fun conversation when I leave for school. It makes the family feel secured that a professional is right by my grandmother's side every time we go to work or school.I expected a lot from them and they have even exceeded my expectations. For a high school student, I may not do a lot at home since I am more focused in school, but I feel really glad I get to make a decision with the family that has helped my grandmother.

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