Are you amongst the ones whose hands gets sore from the usual hand wash? You need to switch over to Organic Hand wash. These Natural hand washes have unique abilities to provide the required moisture and nourishment to the skin of the hands so that they won't get sore and the skin never dries on its own. These organic hand washes also prevent the skin from any irritations, which is seen as a case with the usual hand wash. The normal day to day used to hand wash contains several detergents and other harmful chemicals which initially removes the layer of the topmost microbes from the skin but also leave the skin dry. This dry skin again favours the development and proliferation of the microbes and may cause itchiness.

Organic hand wash is a need of this generation because people nowadays do not have enough time to take care of their hands and its skin. Therefore, there is a need for an all-in-one kind of hand wash, which not only takes care of the moisture content of the skin but also sidewise damages the bacterial colony.

These soaps are found appropriate for using on the hands, forearms and even armpits. Unlike the chemical based hand washes these organic soaps can be easily used for the children, as they do not cause any irritation to their soft and nascent skin.

This natural hand wash is also appropriate as a shaving cream in the shower. The key ingredients for making these hands wash are:

  • Water
  • Liquid Castle Soap
  • Oil
  • Essential Oils

1.  Water: Water acts as a medium for all the other ingredients in the hand wash. It is usedto increase the flow of the hand wash also.

2.  Liquid Castle Soap: This is one of the major ingredients for the hand wash, as it provides the basic cleansing action; the liquid castle soap produces froth while it is in contact with water thus increasing the surface area for the removal of dirt and other harmful microbes. It comes in two varieties, scented and non-scented.

3. Oils: Oils are always required to provide the nourishment and required moisture to the skin. Oil also helps the skin to regenerate and decreases the itchiness. Oil not only helps in making the skin smooth but also prevents the entry of microorganisms to enter the skin by sealing the microscopic pores.

Vitamin E enriched oils are often added to the natural hand wash so as to increase the growth of the damaged skin.

4. Essential oils: These are used in smaller quantities for the basic purpose of aroma. These essential oils have some other beneficial effects on the skin also. In natural hand wash, essential oils provide resistance from dermatitis, helps in repair and regeneration of skin. Essential oils also impart medicinal advantage to the organic hand wash as they help in decreasing acne; scar marks and helps to soothe the burned area after the skin is burnt accidentally.

Subsequently, when you use Organic and Natural Hand wash Products, the softness of your hand will be an added advantage apart from the natural aroma that uplifts your mood and help to maintain the pH level of your hand

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