Do you pay attention to the news these days? I have not done that for a while now because it only tells us what the right or left politicians want us to hear. If you watch CNN it is the left telling you what they want yo to hear, if you watch FOX news it's the right telling you what they want you to hear.

Where has fair and balanced news gone and why doesn't it exist anymore. Back in the day we had news anchors that we could depend on like Paul Harvey. You remember Paul Harvey with his famous line "And That's The Rest Of The Story".

Back in t=his time the news anchors and the news in general had integrity and it could be trusted to report the true and real news. News anchors were fired for purveying lies and bad information. But these days that is what they do for a living.

They only report what they are told to report, and the way that they are told to report it. It is not to be believed or depended on for the real facts and true information. We used to abide by this law called the first amendment to the Constitution.

The first amendment guarantees freedom of the press.

First Amendment - Religion and Expression. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

If you read the above with an open mind you do not see any wording in there that gives the feds the right to control the press in any way shape or form. Is in an unfettered right of the press to report the news as they see fit, not as the right or the left see's fit.

People like Paul Harvey don't exist in the press anymore. If they did this would never happen, nobody is out there defending the first amendment. Have we given up on the truth and out nation's founding document the Constitution Of The United States Of America.

Allow me to ask a question, where do your draw the line? Are there certain right that you think should be changed or abridged? Do you think our founding fathers made a mistake when they wrote the Constitution and does it constantly need to be changed or should it stay as they intended it to be.

Have we just become complacent about everything that matters, or are there too many people here from other places who don't believe in the freedoms that the Constitution affords the American citizens. Statements like "Warped In The Flag" worry me about how complacent we have become.

 It worries me that we have lost our way as the United States Of America. It worries me that nobody cares anymore about the what our founding father created and what they wanted this country to be. When did it become a bad thing to love your country and it's flag?

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