Our World is a global village, getting people across the globe connected via the World Wide Web.Marketing techniques adopted by various organizations have switched to the new age form of Digital marketing to build and maintain customer relationships via internet in order to facilitate promotion of products and services.

Digital Marketing is a broad term used for interactive and measurable marketing techniques deployed for products and services using various digital channels in order to target and convert leads to customers.

Benefits of Digital Marketing techniques over Traditional marketing techniques:

 Has a Global reach as compared to Traditional Marketing

  • Increased customer satisfaction
  • Cost effective
  • Tools available to analyse and measure Return OInvestment. E.g. Google analytics, adwords, social media monitoring tools, Google webmaster tools etc.

 Digital Marketing Key Components:

Search Engine Optimization – A methodology used to boost the traffic to a website through organic search results from search engines like Google, Yahoo, msn etc.

On Page Optimization: Refers to the type of optimization measures taken within the website to improve its search engine results. Title, Meta tags, keyword placements and keyword density are examples of this type of Optimization.

Off Page Optimization: Refers to the type of optimization measures taken off-site i.e, they are not controlled from within your website.  Link Popularity and Page rank are examples of off page optimization.

Pay Per Click – A form of internet marketing, where ads are build around keywords and pay for each click.

E.g.  Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing, Microsoft adCenter

Social Media Marketing

A form of internet marketing used to gain website traffic through social media sites.

Advantages of SMM:

 Cost effective (time and effort only), Higher Return of Investment

  • Increased visibility; ability to go viral
  • Expedites development of brand online

 Disadvantages of SMM:

 More time consuming than SEO and Pay Per Click techniques.

  • No short term ROI
  • Wrong strategy can hurt your reputation.

 Email Marketing, Content Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Online Reputation Management are other key components in Digital Marketing.


Digital Marketing Trends in 2015:

  • Content Marketing on the rise: Marketers are investing more on relevant and inspiring contents to reach out to their customers. B2B companies with blogs are expected to generate 67%  more leads than those without blogs
  • More Value on Visual Content Marketing: Use of videos for marketing purposes are steadily growing.E.g. Dove Campaign is one of the most watched ads this year
  • Continual rise of  Social Media Marketing
  • Mobile Marketing on rise

Source : articlesbase.com


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