More and more people nationwide are experiencing abuse of prescription drugs. This can occur for a wide number of reasons, such as the former opiate addict who now seeks similar effects through opioids. Others could have little or no previous history when it comes to substance abuse. Yet an unfortunate accident could occur at a ski resort or on motorcycle for example, leading a patient to receive medication they would not have otherwise.

Once an addiction to prescription drugs has developed, the individual can often begin resorting to less than honorable means of obtaining these medications. This can include purchasing them off a friend or acquaintance that sells these substances for personal profit. Obviously, this is frowned upon, as such medications are only intended to be prescribed by a medical doctor. Yet many will instead turn to such people so that they need not worry about whether a professional will deem a prescription necessary. Those that doctor shop do so to increase the odds of obtaining greater amounts of prescriptions than they should legitimately be in possession of.

Much abuse of prescription drugs will involve deliberately taking greater amounts than intended to achieve the desired effects. Yet this is a dangerous game, as such medication were not intended to be taken at such levels. Therefore, the risk of overdose increases, especially if the person is mixing these with alcohol or illicit drugs. Even if an overdose does not occur, a host of other unpleasant symptoms could occur. For example, those that often consume both prescription drugs and alcohol can make themselves nauseous or vomit if too much is taken in too short a period of time.

Some that are able to overcome an addiction to prescription drugs can instead focus on developing healthier habits in the future. This can include exercising regularly or eating a balanced diet for improved health. The individual can appreciate the knowledge that they are improve their wellbeing as well by participating in such activities, as opposed to damaging it through abuse of substances. Most would agree that they do not want to lose a loved one to prescription drug abuse, regardless of personal opinions they could have about such medications. The Prescription Drug Abuse Helpline can assist those with such difficulties, as well as their loved ones, be able to better move forward to lead a happy, healthy life.

Be sure to contact an online representative about how to best move forward today. You may use our Live Chat to talk to a member of our team online or call us at (866) 450-1557 for more information. Today is the day that you can change the rest of your life, and it can happen simply by picking up the phone.

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