Surprisingly enough, most of the freemium mobile game high rollers are happy with their spending. They believe that the in-app purchases are worth their money.

First things first, let us explain you what freemium mobile games are all about. For all those who do not know, freemium refers to a business model that is mostly applied in the platform of the Internet. As a result of this model, the basic services are provided free of charge. On the same note, the more advanced features of any service must be paid for.

What do the facts reveal?

1. While we see the facts and revelations, the free games continue to dominate in the charts of top-grossing games that iOS and Android have to provide to the users. But freemium games are becoming a part of the race too. The rising popularity of the freemium business model is growing controversial now.

2.Evaluators and critics of mobile games ceaselessly perceive games like Candy Crush Saga and Real Racing (a game that switched from paid to freemium model) as games that emote aggressiveness both in their use and also in the promotion of in-app purchases. Games like Angry Birds and Real Racing have grown out to be franchises.

3.The arena, however, is certainly chock-a-block of people who might comment on blog sections about how they despite playing free games that emote 'evil'. But they are in favor of the freemium games and happy in paying.

4.Another fact is that people prefer to engage themselves with games that offer the best use of time. If at all, playing a mobile game application brings more joy than reading a book, people would prefer that. For instance, based on Mark Major's real life incident of falling, a game application in the memory of Mark's free falling plummet is created that is owned by Johnathan Gong. Plummet Free Fall has its randomly generated levels and very simple controls. Undoubtedly, a cool game when you know the developer was inspired from a real life! Not only the story is inspiring, also, it's simple and honest. The in-app purchases include only $0.99 in order to remove the ads. This completely free game requires iOS 6.0 or later. Along with the iPhone and iPad, it's also compatible with iPad touch.

Concluding, freemium mobile game high rollers happy with their spending. At the same time they are found to be satisfied with games that form an emotional connect. Are you happy with the in-app purchases? We know, as long as the game serves you up to your best interests, you will. Happy rolling!

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