Disabled people are often discriminated against and marginalized in third world countries. Despite being the largest minority of the world's population, disabled people face numerous hurdles in the under-developed parts of the world. While you may live in a country where there are handicap parking spots, ramps, and equal opportunity, the situation in India is not anywhere near international standards. Disabled people in India are often sidelined and face a lot of trouble in finding employment. This makes them feel unwanted and insecure about themselves. Hence, they often spend their lives relying on others, even when they can make a living for themselves. That being said, there are a number of people who are working towards improving things for disabled people in India.

There are several NGOs that arrange different events for underprivileged children in India. Over the past years, NGOs and corporate bodies across the globe have introduced several public awareness campaigns, seminars, social welfare and development fairs, Para-Olympics, projects and exhibitions, both at local and international levels to address issues faced by the differently abled.

These events provide an opportunity to disabled children to interact with other kids and take part in a number of fun and educational activities. The activities are organized keeping in view the disabilities that these children may have, including cognitive, visual, physical and auditory impairments. These events make the participants feel confident about themselves. They boost their morale and create a sense of accomplishment in them.

Challenges Faced by the NGOs in Organizing Events for Disabled Children in India

Raising funds and bringing people together on a platform is challenging. NGOs work collaboratively to win the support of sponsors and urge them towards participation. The NGOs working in this sector also hire various professionals who help keep the morale of the disabled children high.

How You as a Volunteer Can Make Difference

Empowering the disabled segment of the society brings numerous benefits to the entire community. You as a volunteer can play a vital role in empowering them. You can encourage these disadvantaged segments towards independent living and participation in various aspects of life. However, in order to volunteer for these special needs children, it is important for you to be active and physically fit. Without being energetic, you cannot extend your support to them.

As part of your volunteer in India responsibilities, you can:

  • Sing songs for the students
  • Tell stories to them
  • Teach physical exercises to them
  • Teach basic life skills to them
  • Play games with them

You can teach them, assist them in their homework, and also inculcate basic hygiene practices in them. Moreover, under the guidance of a local teacher, you can hold therapy sessions, and carry out physiotherapies, provided you are a competent medical practitioner.

Precisely, you as a volunteer are a source of help to disabled children for carrying out their routine activities.

Whether you are a local or someone from abroad, you have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of disadvantaged children in India. Get in touch with iSpiice to make suitable voluntary arrangements for you!

Source : articlesbase.com


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