There is a voice inside our head that we all war against. This voice is consistent and persistent. It never lets up. It never gives in. It never surrenders. It is always there. It never feeds positive encouragement. It is always the source of our fear, doubt and misery. Author Lisa Nichols calls it negative self-talk. Author Susan Jeffers calls it the chatterbox. Many religious forums call it SELF or the SOUL. I call it gibberish. For truly it is nonsensical gibberish. When you can see it for what it is there is hope in overcoming.

However you label it its negative energy. Its sole purpose is to get you to doubt yourself. To fear the outcome. To remain comfortable in your state of stagnation or unproductive behavior.. The one positive thing that we can say about it is that it is consistent. That consistent quality keeps us bogged down and causes us to stop growing and stop progressing towards our greatest being.

That voice often reinforces your doubts and fears. It is the one that tells you that you CAN'T. It stops you in your tracks before you even get started. It tells you that you can't start a new business. You can't pass that test. You can't go back to school. You can't get that coveted job. You can't change your career. You can't lose those 30 pounds. You Can't! You Can't! You Can't!

Its ability to reason is unmatched. There are always many reasons why you can't. After listening to this gibberish for some time over and over again about how we CAN'T. We simply give up our dreams, our goals, and desires. The fear that has been inflicted by this voice permeates our entire being and literally and physically stops us in our tracks.

Truthfully, we have just given away all of our power to gibberish in our head. We have just yielded our strength and predicted our outcome. We have just stopped living. Fear and doubt have become owners of our soul.

However, there is hope! While the gibberish will never completely go away, as Susan Jeffers puts it you must learn how to out talk the gibberish. Your determination, your focus must be greater than the gibberish. How do we do this? How do we obliterate the gibberish?

I'm glad you asked.

Before babies reach a certain stage of development they often speak gibberish. No matter how hard the adults may try we simply can't understand them. So we adults go about to speak a language to them so that we can interpret their words. We take our time and we methodically and consistently speak certain words as their brain develops. We help them to understand these words by forming pictures and images in their head. A banana is shown when we pronounce the word banana. An apple now has an image attached to it. This is how it is to counteract our gibberish. We must form pictures of success in our heads to counteract the negative chatter. We must see success before we can speak success. When we see our success we can then out talk the gibberish. For then we are speaking with a knowledge, a formed picture of what the apple (success) looks like.

The scripture tells us to speak those things that are not as though they are. And while we set forth to do just that, the required image has not been formed and therefore our gibberish, negative self-talk, chatterbox runs laps around our declarations, and so we find ourselves right back where we started. Often, more depressed than before we started to speak our liberty.

It is imperative to not only speak your success but envision your success as well. Really get into it and feel what it looks like to have the job of your dreams. How are you dressed for your first day of work? How is your hair? What color is your suit? How will you decorate your office? What will you say at your first meeting? When you see yourself with the position with such clarity you will perform in the interview as if you already have the job. You will be prepared and confident in your abilities and skills. This confidence is attractive and will pull your success to you.

How does it feel to have your new entrepreneurship venture up and running? How is the business operating? How many employees do you have? What stores are calling you for your product? These images will propel towards your success.

What does it feel like to lose 30 pounds? How do you look in your new outfits? Really let yourself envision and meditate on your successes so that when you are speaking it and talking to your gibberish buddy you are speaking with a knowledge and not from a place of doubt.

As you declare and speak with knowledge you will find that the gibberish (negative chatter) will not be so loud. Whenever it tries to rear its ugly head and speak louder than a whisper, your images of success will obliterate that thought process as you affirm your positive images over and over again until you are standing in your success.

Don't just out talk the gibberish envision your success and declare your victory as you are propelled to greatness.

Embrace your Greatness!


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