We all know how email is steadily changing with time but are you still making it work for you?  

One of the efficient ways to turn engagement with consumers is email marketing as it set up easily, costs low and have great return marketing channel. And to do it rightly and make it stand out you have to analyze it right from the beginning.  

And Hence, email marketers need to work harder and with a bit of smartness.  

So here are 6 ideas you should target on for upping your email marketing in order to drive ultimate customers engagement to become your biggest agents.  

99% Inbox Delivery   

Deliverability is defined as the success rate which ensure that the email you send gets delivered into the client's inbox. This can be achieved by checking the spam report, hard and soft bounces, bulk issues and content. Also, make sure that you are monitoring the subscription mechanism. It is additionally vital to guarantee that the name of your IP locations is honest.

Email List Cleaning: Email Validation and Verification

Cleaned emails play an important role in increasing delivery rate of your emails. Increases your Email Delivery Service rate as most of your email starts to deliver in the inbox. Email marketing services should provide secure and effective email cleaning feature which allows you to clean all the invalid emails from your contact lists.   

The tasks that should be accomplished by email cleaning feature are listed below –

  • Clean List
  • Bounce Clean
  • Spam Clean
  • Suspended Clean

Autoresponder/Drip Emailing: Lineup Your Emails 

Due to rapid growth, you have to contact your clients at the distinct niche of time. The working time of clients may vary from place to place but to grow your business it is more important for you to contact your clients at a right time. A feature known as Drip Emailing does this task for you. This feature is so effective that it breaks the limitation of timing between you and your clients. It allows you to configure emails for different timings. Now, once the configured time is reached, email marketing services will automatically trigger your email and will deliver it to your clients.  

Email Analytics: Smart Way To Track Your Clients 

You prepare email and send it but do you have any idea What Happens After That Email Is Sent?

  • Did the recipient receive it? 
  • Did it get lost in their inbox? 
  • Did they click on the links? 
  • Opened attachments?

And So, Email Tracking notifies you whether the email sent by you has been opened or clicked. It works in the background without hindering your prospect.   

Hence, email services should follow the finest tracking system that generates the accurate output result which includes -   

  • Sent: Total number of emails sent for a particular campaign.
  • Opened: How many sent emails were opened by the recipients.
  • Clicked: How many times the links have been clicked.
  • Unsubscribed: How many recipients have unsubscribed for the mail.

Email List Management: Integrate Your Lists

One of the crucial parts of email marketing services is list management. It could affect the delivery of emails into client's inbox if not managed properly.

Bounce Rate can be reduced by managing your contact lists in following ways:-

  • Create/Import your contacts
  • Unsubscribed contact lists
  • Bounced contact lists
  • Contact lists from collected leads

API/SMTP Integration: Choose One & Configure Easily

Email services should allow you to send emails through any SMTP relay which provides a facility by allowing you to add multiple SMTP server account credentials for sending the email.   

This could benefit you as you are no longer bound to use one SMTP Server.    

In brief, think on how far you want your customer relationship to go. Nothing can drive your business to a great height without extreme marketing.   

So, choose wisely.!  

Source : articlesbase.com


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