The process of collection, transportation and disposal is collectively known as management. The whole process of rubbish management is being regulated by a set of laws and bye laws for the protection of public health and environment. Monitoring of the activities of all the stakeholders in the process such as the rubbish generator, collector, transporter and entities responsible for disposal is being done very closely. This along with strict penalties for non adherence to environmental and public health protection rules has ensured that the whole process of rubbish management in London including collection is carried out smoothly, regularly, efficiently and with minimum hazard for public health and the environment.

The impact

Environmental impact of rubbish collection management in London is manifest in various ways.

Less pollution

The most perceptible change after the onset of organized rubbish management has been the change in air quality in and around London. Previously, when garbage used to be thrown, buried or burnt in landfills the environment and public health used to be at the receiving end. The poisonous methane gas emitted by rotting organic material and the toxic fume emitted by burning of plastic material are very harmful for people as well as animals. These could have caused various diseases like asthma, respiratory diseases and cancer. Such air pollution has come down perceptibly over the years owing to organized rubbish collection management in London.

Moreover, companies are now resorting more and more to recycling of products and byproducts. This has ensured that the felling of trees and excavation of minerals is reduced thereby helping to protect the forest cover.

No accumulation

In places garbage used to accumulate for days. This was not only unsightly, but also unhealthy as toxic and rotting waste could spread diseases. The onset of regular and periodic rubbish collection management has ensured that garbage does not accumulate anywhere in London. Most of the companies are offering alternate day garbage removal while some are also offering same day removal.

Reduced cost

The lack of awareness about reuse, recycling and less wastage had resulted in generation of huge waste in industrial units. Not only this necessitated more raw materials for production of more finished goods, but it also ensured that the company had to bear a substantial cost for collection and transport of the waste for proper disposal. With increased awareness about the affects of rubbish on public health, environment and production cost the industrial and commercial units have woken up to the possibility of recycling and reusing. More and more of companies are now recycling their products and byproducts and adding value to them. This is reducing the need for buying and transporting more and more raw material and processing them for production, thereby reducing the cost of production. This is reflected in their balance sheet.

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