Owning a horse is a big thing, and taking proper care of it is a huge responsibility for the owner. A well groomed, and well-looked-after horse not only makes for a great animal for derbies and other competitions, it also makes for a good companion for you. Diseases should always be strayed clear of, but if it does attack your horse, you should take the correct action immediately. One of the most enfeebling diseases that a horse can suffer is ulcers, which to put it bluntly, causes a lot of stress and pain inside the stallion.

Prevention is always better than looking for cures whenever the disease strikes, and the best feed for horses with ulcers, or a history of ulcers are natural supplies. Often, horse owners are advised to go the antibiotic way to cure and prevent ulcers in them, but what the "advisors" so conveniently forget is that these antibiotic, while curing the disease quickly adversely affects its immune system and hampers its performance in the longer run. On the other hand, natural products are rich in nutrients and organic ingredients that can be digested better than antibiotics, and are hence the best way to achieve good health and maintain the horse optimally. Here are some of the benefits of natural feed for horses with ulcers:

● Better immunity● Shinier mane and stronger tail● Quicker recovery from injuries and diseases● Increased energy● Improved performance● Stronger Hooves● Prevention of foodborne illness● Possible longer lifespan

Nothing is more natural and nutritious than fresh grass and hay, so ensure that you feed your horse good quality grass and hay at regular intervals. Additionally, ensure that clean water is supplied at all times to ensure that it is adequately hydrated. This will ensure that the stallion will be disease-free more often than not. Additionally, you can use probiotics for horses to promote good bacteria that aid digestion and keep ulcers at bay.

In case your horse does fall prey to diseases, ensure that you use natural remedies like Papaya, Slippery Elm, Aloe Vera juice, German Chamomile, etc that have high contents of digestible fiber, digestive enzymes and anti inflammatory substances to cure ulcers and colic, and make it healthier and disease-free quickly.

Diseases are best avoided so ensure that you maintain a natural and healthy diet to keep your horse fighting fit and disease free. Natural feed that are rich in nutrients are the best bet to avoid and cure diseases. So, take proper care of your horse to keep it blooming and strong.


Source : articlesbase.com


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