Billboard is generally viewed for few seconds, so the advertisements and message should be seamless, appealing and must meet the standard criteria of billboard designing. Leading outdoor advertising companies in Dubai believe that if the billboards are designed without breaking a rule, then they would probably have one of the award-winning billboards. So, the design team you choose for creating billboard ought to be capable of fulfilling particular criteria for making successful ad campaigns.

Here are some design rules to be understood in order to make the best billboards.

1) Message with less than 7 words are considered good for billboards. As, the passersby are not able to read anything more than this while riding a bike or car. Moreover, a new research also states that people also do not want to entertain the message which contain words more than 7.

2) Keep your message simple. Although your message is meaningful, if it is not easy to understand by consumers then its impact will be less and you cannot achieve your marketing objectives.

3) You can be more creative by using impressive images to convey your message. Images, symbols, photos are a great way to convey a message effectively.

4) Images that you choose for billboards should be relevant. Experts from TBI Media, a well-known media agency in Dubai say that you must illustrate your concept accurately which is not only able to draw attention but also be remembered for longer period. Billboards with irrelevant images do not carry any sense and create a negative impact about product.

5) Apply professional images and photos in spite of using your own photo. Internet is an ideal medium to get great photographic images- suitable on themes. It is one of the most easy and cost-effective way.

6) Keep all letters in the message at least 6 inches tall. Smaller than this cannot be readable. If the billboard is located at a long distance from highway, the letter should be printed in large sizes.

7) Primary colors make people look to the billboards. Use contrast colors at background and words in order to make it easy to read. On the other handobnoxious colors can damage your image.

8) Many advice that the entire billboard should contain call to action feature but it is not ideal always. Apart from this, you must infuse an emotional element into your message to make your add appealing.

9) Billboard advertising also plays an important role in strengthening brand of the company. So, it is necessary that the client name must be printed in large letters.

10) The main image of the advertisement should take up two-thirds of the space. The viewers' eyes will go on this main image first and then other information like name or contact number.

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