As the season approaches, the race to remove all traces of unwanted hair speeds up and which brings a lot of questions in the mind of everyone about the probable solutions available. One question which hits everyone's mind is whether the Laser treatment is effective or not. Whether switching to the advanced Laser therapies will do the good or is it safe to stick to the traditional means to get the slow paced results.

Here are some of the points which we should clear up before booking that session with the cosmetologist:

Laser treatment is no rocket Science

People at times are skeptical about the Laser therapies and regard it as a entangled procedure. But the science behind the therapy is very simple. Hair follicles treated while using the Hair Removal Laser are attacked and some follicles are disabled with each treatment. Because hair grows in various cycles, it takes up to three months to see full results to ensure that follicles can be disabled.

Safe but if you match certain criteria

The process is currently being regarded as safe but in cases when you meet the criteria. Unfortunately the existing Laser therapies prevents the people with certain skin tone and hair hues from being in this eligible criteria. Before taking the plunge, it is hence recommended to ascertain if you match the eligible criteria. Anyone with a naturally deep skin tone or a penchant for tanning beds must seek alternative hair removal options.

Requires multiple sittings for optimum results

Laser therapy is no miracle. It takes two to four sittings depending upon the skin type and hair growth. In addition, laser treatments do not yield complete hairlessness in any region of the body. The majority of hair follicles can be removed after a full set of treatments, but laser hair removal patients are cautioned that removal is never absolute.

The pain is inevitable

Rubber band session of each session in inevitable. Each treatment zone requires a distinct number of pulses per session to address hair growth depending upon its surface area. Therefore, large expanses of skin such as the legs or arms necessitate a significant time commitment — and if you're susceptible to pain, a fair amount of teeth-gritting — to hit each hair follicle. Apart from the little sensational issue. You need to have deep pockets for undergoing theses therapies. Generally the laser technician who offers pricing below $100 for an in-office laser therapy session. After the suggested six to 12 sessions, patients can accumulate a bill upwards of $1,000.

An empty pocket is one f the chief detractors which make people reevaluate their decision which is otherwise a safe and effective method to get rid of unwanted hairs and say hello to a gorgeous you.

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