Most elderly people want to stay in their own homes as long as possible, but staying safe within the home can become a bigger challenge with the passing of time. Enlisting the support of others can help elderly people reduce the risk of being hurt in accidents, but if enjoying round-the-clock support isn't an option, steps can be taken to make home living as safe as possible. Let's take a look at some important age-related challenges and safety tips. Do you require extra help?Asking for advice from a professional such as an occupational therapist can help you reduce the chances of an accident occurring. A trained professional may be able to help you identify ways to bath, eat and dress safely, whilst suggesting adaptations to the home that could make things easier. Many home care professionals work alongside occupational therapists to ensure the person they are caring for is getting the right level of treatment. Preventing fallsFalls can be a big problem for elderly people. The chances of a fall occuring can also rise with age. Problems with cognitive and visual impairment, medication and strokes can lead to falls. Ways to reduce the chances of a fall happening include removing hazards like loose carpets and the wrong sort of furniture. Regular exercise can also help as can seeking treatment for foot-related problems. Poor-quality eyesight can also be an issue, so it's best to undergo regular eye tests. Try not to rush around the home, as many people do fall when doing so. Objects that you require access to on a regular basis should be within easy reach. Receiving the right level of care Enlisting the support of a homecare provider can help you avoid being involved in an accident at home. The best care providers are the ones offering bespoke support based on your own unique needs. They should review your circumstances regularly to ensure you're still getting the help you require as your needs change. Homecare providers can provide you with assistance in all sorts of areas, from providing you with meals to helping you wash, bathe and look after pets, whilst enabling you to hopefully avoid being in an accident that could have been avoided. There are many detailed resources online that can help you if you need to read more about age-related challenges and safety tips.

Avoiding firesFire safety is extremely important, so make sure your home is fitted with smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. Again, many fires can arise from cooking, so if you no longer feel able to use your kitchen safely, it may be best to ask a homecare professional for assistance. It's also wise to make sure you have access to important contact details when you need them. These could include numbers for emergency services like the police, ambulances and fire station as well as friends and family members and your homecare provider if you have one. Staying at home safelyIt's no surprise so many elderly people would prefer to stay in their familiar environment instead of moving into a care home. Taking precautions can make remaining in the home much safer, and quality home care providers can help you fill in the gaps if you are struggling with certain tasks but confident and able to fulfil other duties.

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