With the course of time it has become increasingly evident that one's choice of décor and furnishing goes a long way in making a favorable impression on prospective clients or even in fostering a congenial working environment. As such, the use of the faux plants as a part of the in-house décor is something that is fast becoming the norm in almost all professional settings. Faux prayer plants with their delicate combination of petite structures and vivid colors are perhaps the best choices for a potted plant to keep on your desk.

The general highlights of artificial Prayer plantsThe name prayer plant stems from the way the leaves close and bend together at night or in the absence of light. The faux prayer plants make a welcome addition to any setting because of the intricate nature of the leaves. The leaves come in varying shades of green but what happens to be the most striking feature is the absolutely spectacular patterns made by veins running along the entire diameter of the leaves. Even more interestingly the patterns are not random and are roughly exhibited in all the leaves, hence for a lover of symmetry in décor this plant is the ideal pick.  The esoteric juxtaposition of the thin stems and the large, oval shaped leaves is a key aspect of this plant and one the features that make it suited to be kept on desk, so that a person can get a three-sixty degree view of the leaves. The red veins running down the leaves are so distinctive that they can be observed in even low-light surroundings.

Reasons for keeping a faux prayer plant as a part of your decorations:A naturally occurring prayer plant is difficult to maintain. It needs a humid climate and a good amount of sunlight and well drained soil to survive. The faux prayer plant on the other hand, needs no maintenance and does not incur any extra cost or inconvenience for that matter. It can be put in low-light areas where the normal plant couldn't be put and yet form an integral part of the rooms decoration. In the end, the art of good interior landscaping is paying attention to the little details. A small addition like a faux prayer plant on the mantelpiece, shelf or a desk could brighten up a room considerably. The faux plant also requires no fertilizers and pesticides and attracts no pests or insects inside your premises and is thus a much more feasible option in a professional setting than a natural variety. Eventually, it comes down to matter of taste and with all the varieties available; the faux prayer plant is simply the best choice for indoor furnishings.

Source : articlesbase.com


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