There may be many reasons. But the main reason is that man is a social animal by birth. It is our nature to be social. The internet owes it meteoric rise to this deeply human tendency to reach out and connect with another person. And, social media touches the core of another human desire – to be heard and to be involved.

Social media allows you to participate in a way that people had never imagined before. Multinational companies, which are the size of countries at times, bow down to the might of a single angry post. Our times have witnessed civil revolutions because of social media. A new breed of celebrityhood has emerged from these online platforms - Twitterati and Blogebrity to name a few.

So, is social media a juvenile and desperate offshoot of branding strategy or is it a deliberate and decisive method of increasing brand recall? Well, like always, the answer lies in the question – Do you want to be social?

Social media is all about engaging constantly. Above all things, it is a commitment to entertain honestly and inform accurately at all times and under all circumstances.

And, commitment, as you know, isn't easy. Assume that you will have many non-performing posts before you get one organic like. Prepare for nights of staring at sky-rocketing likes of other pages while your page stands at a depressing 109 likes. Get ready to be ignored and left alone from the weekend newsfeed. Know that you have to care even if they won't share.

Patience pays. And, that's why social media is important. The more you are willing to involve your audience, you will refine the ways you connect with them. You will become less of a brand, and more of a person. And, as the peeps at Forbes always say, '… people like to do business with other people, not companies.'

You can create brand loyalty by making more brand image more meaningful. Each day, brands like Red Bull and Go Pro are thinking of cooler and smarter ways to join their consumer in their daily lives and become a part of their journey. It is a part of their well thought-out social media strategy.

So, it comes back to the question – do you want to be social? It is an adventure, to say the least. You may require some professional help to stay on top of the game too. If you want to talk about your social media strategy, let us know. It will be a pleasure to chat with you.

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