When it comes to training horses, there are many schools of thought regarding which approach is best. These methods can vary widely, and if you're one of the many people training horses on Ocala horse properties, it's important for you to educate yourself on these different methods, and choose one that suits your general beliefs and training style.
One popular method of horse training is the Tellington Method. There are many different elements to this method, but this article will give you a brief overview to help you decide if you're interested in learning more and following this method with the horses on your property.
General BeliefsThe Tellington Method takes an approach of mutual respect and understanding between horse and rider. It does not rely on physical discipline or "breaking" of the horse in order to win the animal's obedience. Instead, the Tellington Method believes that a horse's respect can be won by teaching the horse to view you as a member of its herd—more specifically, the alpha of the herd.
The Tellington Method uses a variety of techniques in order to develop this relationship between the horse and rider, but the end result is a sense of mutual respect and understanding, and a closeness between horse and rider that isn't often achieved in other styles of training. If this is something that you wish to accomplish with your horses, then read on to learn about some of the techniques used in the Tellington Method.
T-TouchT-Touch (or Tellington Touch) is a massage method that is a central part of the Tellington Method of training. This technique is designed to help a horse to relax completely around the rider while also developing a strong physical connection between the pair.
To perform this massage technique, stand at your horse's shoulder and place one hand gently but firmly on his neck. With the 3 middle fingers of your other hand, begin to massage your horse in a circular, counterclockwise motion. Continue this massaging motion, moving slowly up along the neck.
Your horse may not respond immediately to T-Touch, but the aim is to eventually have your horse relax completely while you perform the massage. You will know your horse is relaxed when he lowers is head and his bottom lip begins to droop. He should eventually allow you to perform T-Touch around his ears and on his face. He may even lean into you to apply more pressure. This shows that he trusts you enough to let his guard down completely, which is a great starting point for your relationship.
Joining UpAnother central part of the Tellington Method is known as "joining up." This part of the method is most effective when performed in a large round pen. Stand in the center of the ring and drive your horse away; it is best if you can do this with just your body language and voice, and not with a lunging whip. Drive the horse to the outer edge of the ring and force him to trot or run in a circle around you.
Continue lunging the horse, never letting him slow down to a walk. You can force him to change directions occasionally if you wish, but don't let him stop. Eventually, your horse should begin to lower his head and perform a slight chewing motion with his mouth. This is a common sign of submission in a herd, and it means he's ready to join up with you in the center of the ring.
When you see these signs, stop driving the horse away. Lower your arms and head, drop your eyes to the ground, and turn your back on the horse. Then, wait patiently. Eventually, the horse should come to the center of the ring. This means he has chosen to be with you, rather than to be on his own on the outer edge of the ring; he has accepted you as part of his herd and recognized your dominance over him as well.
These are just a few of the techniques involved in the Tellington Method. If you wish to use this method of training on your Ocala horse properties, consider attending a training class.
Source : articlesbase.com
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