Are you slowing down your business by using old school business practices?  Old school business practices can really slow down your business.  What are you doing in your home-based business to slow progress?Did you know that the military still uses three people to fire a cannon?  They have one person to load it and one person to fire it.  What is that other third person for?  We really don't have a reason for that person anymore but the manual hasn't changed so the military doesn't change.  They have to stay within the regulations.When horses will still used, they needed that extra person to drive the horse up the hill, to help place the cannon, and to hold the horse and keep it from being spooked when the cannon was fired.  How long has it been since we have used horses in the military to do anything?  It was in 1916 in Columbus, New Mexico when trucks took over the job of horses and mules.  That's been 100 years ago.  Yet we still need that third person just to stand there and do nothing because the regulations say we must use have them.  This is a tremendous waste of manpower and taxpayer dollars.I was in the military and I know how difficult it is for them to change anything.  The regulation books are big enough to fill libraries and they just don't change quickly.  But how quickly do you change in your business?  It there something that you can improve on?  How much time do you waste using old school business practices?

As a businessperson, even one in business for yourself, you need to be in the 21st Century.  Do you still use practices from the 1990's.  Things change so quickly now that it is difficult to keep up.  I was reading something the other day that was from only last year, but it doesn't work anymore.  Things on the internet change at the speed of light, and we have to be on top of it all the time.Go over every practice that you have in your business as see what old school business practices you can get rid of.  Are you wasting to much time in meetings, using an antiquated phone system, or still using email marketing as a way to attract customers?  Whatever it is that you are doing that is old and out dated you need to get rid of it and move into the 21st Century.  You may have to read up to keep up but it will be well worth it.

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