These are some common reasons why Google may penalize your website:

Poor Content Quality- your site has no or little original content or the content is poorly written. If your site uses article spinning software, you can also expect to get a low rank for quality.

Malware, Hacking, or Spam. Even if it is not your fault is your website falls victim to any of them it is often viewed as unsafe for visitors. While some spam is expected on the internet if you are receiving hundreds of spam replies and post, then it is time to look into this problem.

Unnatural Links- This is becoming a big problem. Any link that appears to be created for SEO reasons are not for quality purposes is penalized. The links should be spread out in different places on your website. If most of your links are found on the homepage, then it is considered to be, unnatural.

Stuffing the site with Keywords-If certain words or phrases appear to often it may seem they are only being used for SEO purposes. Keywords should fit naturally into a sentence. If a word or phrase is constantly repeated then it is flagged. There are certain things to keep an eye on to know if your website has been penalized.

Drop in Rank- If the rank of your site suddenly drops this is a tell tale sign your site has been penalized. Keep track of the ranking of your site on a regular basis.

Use Webmaster Tools- You can manually check this by logging into the Google Webmaster tools. You can then click on the search traffic tool and other manual actions to see if you were penalized. Google will also display a message stating the reason as to why your site was penalized.

Know Google Updates- There are tools to use to see when Google is performing updates. Algoroo can track the ranking of site all across the internet. This site will alert the users if their ranking drops.If you find out, your website has been penalized there are certain things you can do to recovery your high ranking. Look at your site to try to determine what the problem is. In the future, you can learn from your mistake. There are some tips on how to getting back on Google's good side.

Remove Duplicate Posts and Poor Content- Duplicate postings need to be removed. If the quality of the postings is poor, they need to be removed or rewritten as well.

Add Security- If malware, spam, or viruses are found you need to look into these problems. There is plugins offer on WordPress pages to make the website safe.

Disavow Link Tools- Google has created a tool that will remove any poor quality or harmful links from your webpage. Be careful with this tool. If you remove a useful site, you can further hurt your ranking. You can also use a tool on Google to perform a link audit before removing anything.

Remove Low Quality- If a link is associated with a site known for spam such as a porn site, casino, or related items the link should be removed. A link audit will provide you with this information. Some site will honor your request to remove their link from your webpage.

Ask for a Reconsideration- an application for a review can be sent to Google once you fix the problems with your website. You can do this through the Google Webmaster Tools.To keep your site ranked high, you need to monitor your site continually. If you think, there is a problem you need to examine carefully it and try to fix it. If there is a drop in your ranking it does not automatically mean you were penalized. If you are punished you need to fix up your webpage. Be sure to make the needed changes and learn from your mistakes.

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