We all are well aware of the fact that 'Content is King' in today's aggressive and proliferating digital market, and act as a key factor for all digital marketing solutions. Content plays an important role in influencing customers, and in increasing the traffic to a website. But now the question is, "Is content enough to get everything a business needs to fulfill its objectives?" Certainly not. Right business promotion at right place is also required for this. 

Taking into account the current market scenario, it is imperative for a business to drive as much traffic as it can, and Social Media is the best way to do so. In fact, social media marketing is one of the best digital marketing solutions to promote and encourage business. By sharing content on social media sites, a business can drive high traffic. Here are some of the useful ways through which you can drive heavy traffic to your website, using social media.

  • Share Content according to Buyer's Persona: Different social networking sites bring different results for each and every business. What is good for one business, may not work great for the other one. So, if you want to get excellent results from social networks, it is wise to go where you have maximum number of followers. This means you need to ascertain which social network will bring best results according to your buyer's persona.
  • Be active and post quality: Posting right and quality content is utmost important to grab the attention of the customers on social media. Also, the content should be catchy and relevant enough to influence customers effectively. In addition to this, it is necessary for you to stay active on your social networks. Listen to your customers, and understand their requirements, so as to provide them exactly what they want.
  • Influential links: Post right and influential links, as it attracts people to great extent. Post your recent blogs or articles on social networks with a short introduction along with the link and the title of the article or other content. A short and attention-grabbing description will drive people to click on the provided link and read more. More of customer's engagement leads to more traffic. 
  • Join groups and communities: Groups and communities of different social networking sites are a great source of traffic. If feasible for you, create your own group first and after that join other groups and communities that are related to your business. Join only active groups, as they are more useful for your business. After successful joining, post your links on these groups, while focusing on their rules and regulations. This way, you can successfully increase your website traffic.
  • Use hashtags in your posts: Almost on all popular social networks, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ and more, hashtags are commonly used. These hashtags are pretty much useful in growing traffic, as they make your updates on social networks more easily discoverable. But make sure to include not more than 2 or 3 hashtags in one update. Also, use hashtags that are in current trend in your content, wherever it is desirable.
  • Share content more than once: By sharing your content more than once on social network, you can actually influence people more convincingly to go through your website. Sharing content multiple times is a way to tell your audiences that you value what you have promised to deliver. If you do not share your updates multiple times, chance are high that they never see any of your updates.

Avoid Being A Spammer While Sharing Your Content Multiple Times

It is good to share your content more than once, but you need to make sure that you are not entering into the "Spam" category. The following example will make things more clear for you.

Example: An Instagram user has shared his content too much, which later on became a matter of concern for most of the viewers, and they have complaints regarding this, which is although correct. The user had installed some plugins that were sharing their old posts once in every hour. This was excessive, and seemed like Spam. 

This type of strategy may lead to additional clicks or traffic in the short term, but for the long term, it will place you in the category of spammer. Also, viewers always try to avoid such posts, and later on unfollow you completely. If you are sharing your content multiple times, you need to take into consideration certain ground rules.

  • Take care of your followers: All your feeds on social media sites are solely for your followers, not for you or anyone else. So, take your followers into consideration.
  • Do not become a spammer: Create a smart yet effective strategy and schedule, instead of a cramped one.
  • Take into consideration your own habits: In order to post your content more than once on social media, consider your own habits i.e. the way you use social media. Also, do not cross the spam line in any case.
  • Always deliver value: Sharing content multiple times on social media is good until you are not in the category of spammer, and are providing value to your audiences.

By effectively following these rules, you are able to develop an effective social media promotion strategy for your content that actually and precisely doubles your website traffic.

Source : articlesbase.com


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