The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

           I have chosen to write an article on this topic as it is useful both in a person's personal as well as his/her professional life. To start with, this book was written by Stephen Covey in the year 1989 and is one of the bestselling books in the modern era.

    This book talks about paradigm shift which means that different people would see things from a different perspective. The author talks about 7 habits which are the results of highly effective people.

The first three habits talks about self independence where we have to achieve success through our own individual effort.

1.Be proactive: which talks about roles and relationships in life. A person should always be alert and quick to know and understand what is happening around him/her.

2. Begin with an end in mind: which talks about making a blueprint of how we would want to shape our future and fulfill our dreams into reality. The steps what one needs to undertake to achieve what he wants.

3.Put first things first: The author talks about prioritizing the chain of events and doing what is important ultimately in achieving the second habit i.e begin with an end in mind.

The next three habits talks about interdependence where we have to work with others to achieve what we want in life.

4. Think Win-Win: strategize in such a way that we benefit working with others and they benefit from it too.

5.Seek first to understand, then to be understood: wherein you should first understand others point of view by listening to them and then sharing your views thus making them appreciate it and influencing them.

6.Synergy: wherein team work always helps us to achieve our goals and targets. i.e 2+2=5.

The final habit talks about continuous improvement.

7. Sharpen the saw: Prepare yourself in such a way by planning and strategizing so that you achieve the final outcome. This can be applied anywhere and everywhere in our personal and professional cycles.

The author finally talks about 8th habit in a later version of his book written in 2004.

Here he focuses on effectiveness to achieving greatness. The 8th habit talks about being a voiceover and helping others to achieve theirs. Being an influence is what he has mentioned to achieving greatness and also listening to others.

He also through this book talks about the four characteristics of a person i.e mental, physical, emotional and spiritual and the 5 cancerous habits which come in the way of a person from achieving greatness i.e comparing, competing, contending, complaining and criticism.

I would definitely recommend people to read this book in order to improve their lifestyle and way of living.



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