Biometrics is a method which utilise biological features of human beings to uniquely identify them. The biometric time clock uses this same concept for human identification. They are usually used in companies to track the timings of employees about when they report to work and when they leave at the end of the day. Biometric time clock, in simple terms, can also be referred to as biometric time attendance system. These systems generally make the use finger prints of the employees. Finger prints are unique phenomenon of every human being and thus can be used to differentiate one from another. Thus with the use of finger print scanners, the biometric time clocks are able to uniquely identify the employees. When the biometric time clock is taken into use for the first time in a given company, the employees need to log in with their details and their finger prints are scanned to be stored as samples. After this one time procedure, the employees can clock in their arrival or clock out their departure by pressing their finger on the finger print scanner. Here the employees need to select whether they are clocking in their arrival or clocking out their departure. The finger print provided needs to match with the original sample so that the access is successfully granted. Other possible biometrics like facial recognition and hand recognition can be used in similar fashion in the biometric time clocks. These two systems can usually be linked with personal computers also.This makes the attendance system automated and no manual records are the need to maintain manual records doesn't prevail anymore. Also, each employee needs to log in for himself thus all possible frauds can be avoided. The data gathered from these clocking systems can be used by the payroll and human resource departments to calculate the hours and resulting wages of the employees. This data can also be used to keep a check on the punctuality of the employees, thus inspiring them to be more punctual. Also, the data from clocking systems can prove useful to check which employee was present or at work at a given time and date, thus making it possible to track the movement of employees in a given company.The biometric time clocks can usually clock up to 3.000 users and store up to 100.000 time logs. They come with complete solutions containing finger print recognition, proximity cards and PIN number clocking. They prove to be real time attendance sheets and can control door access too. Also, most of them come with TFT colour screens and a Wi-Fi, Ethernet and USB connections available.  

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