You spend a lot of time in your bed. In fact, you probably wish you could spend more time in it getting some shut-eye. Just as your bed takes care of you, you need to take care of it. While you might think that there isn't much that needs to be done, maintaining your mattress can extend its life and keep it more comfortable for you and your joints. Kent Island mattresses need to be kept clean and rotated frequently. From keeping your mattress covered to snipping the tag off, here are the dos and don'ts of keeping your mattress fresh and clean.

  1. Do rotate it regularly. If you begin to feel that you and your partner are rolling towards the center of your bed, it's time to rotate that mattress. By rotating and/or flipping it, the springs and foam won't be conformed to your body. This can make for a better night's sleep. It can also help to reduce joint and muscle pain as well. It's recommended that you flip your mattress every 3-6 months or as soon as you begin to wake up with aches and pains.
  2. Don't be afraid to cut the tag off. Afraid that you'll be hauled off to jail if you cut the mattress tag off? Don't be. Once you own the mattress, you can remove the tag without fear of legal repercussions. Before you get to snipping though, it might be in your best interest to keep it on. By keeping the tag on, you'll have all of the information for the warranty close by. Plus, it's a great way to keep track of how often you've flipped your mattress. Simply jot down the date of your last rotation somewhere on the tag.
  3. Do wash your sheets frequently. While you might not think they affect your mattress, your sheets can deposit all sorts of grime onto your mattress. Because your sheets are close to your body when you sleep, they soak up a lot of the bodily fluids and dead skin cells that you shed during the night. If you don't wash your sheets frequently, these fluids can seep further and further down until they are embedded in your mattress. While it won't prevent it completely, washing your sheets is a great way to limit germs and grime from getting into your mattress.
  4. Don't let spills sink in. Whether it's water, wine, or soda, any spills should be cleaned immediately. Otherwise, they can seep into mattress and cause mold or mildew to grow. This is not only unsanitary, but it will lead to an extremely unpleasant odor. Whatever the spill may be, soak it up immediately.
  5. Do keep it covered. To keep your mattress safe from spills and bodily fluids, invest in a cover. You can find water-resistant covers for children to help keep their mattress fresh. By covering up your mattress, you'll extend the life of your bed and keep the material inside as fluffy as possible.
  6. Do replace it as recommended. Experts recommend that you replace your mattress every 8-19 years. After this time, your mattress will have absorbed so much fluid and dead skin cells that it might cause joint and back pain. If your mattress is more than a few years old, do yourself a favor and head down to the furniture store. A good night's sleep is just a purchase away.

When it comes to Kent Island mattresses, there are plenty of ways to keep yours in good condition. By rotating it regularly and keeping liquids from seeping inside, your mattress will remain a comfy place to rest your head for many nights to come.

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