What makes a ruby unique is its distinctive fiery red color. The most desired shade of red in a ruby is often referred to as "pigeon-blood red". Tones red in rubies range from bright red to pink.

Ruby belongs to the species of gems called corundum, which if blue is called sapphire, if red, ruby, and if the color is somewhere in between purple or orange, it's referred to as fancy-color sapphire. The quality of ruby depends on its color and size. However, the value of ruby depends solely upon its color. A ruby with a color anywhere between medium red to dark brilliant red or purplish red then the ruby is of a prized value. Burmese ruby is the brightest and most valuable color for a ruby.

No one would deny that the worth of this gem, but as with anything that garners such fame, the Ruby too is surrounded with myths and legends. Let's take a look at a few:


  1. Ruby is the birthstone for July and believed to express the hot scorching heat of summer time.
  2. According to folk tales, Ruby represents the Sun due to the flame that deep red color of ruby radiates.
  3. The ancient Indians referred to rubies as the "king of gems".
  4. Ruby is regarded as the stone of nobility and was only worn by the noblest of people.
  5. It is symbolic of love and passion in most cultures. To this day, Ruby is often used at Valentine's Day or at the day of anniversary by people for their loved ones.
  6. Ruby is known to be the most precious of stones. Kublai Khan, a Chinese emperor once offered to sell an entire city for a single piece of Ruby.
  7. Just because ruby is a jewel doesn't mean it doesn't have any place in science. The first laser in history was made from artificial ruby gems.
  8. Ruby was used as the bullet for blow-guns by the ancient people
  9. It was believed that a pot of water will start boiling immediately if a ruby is dropped into it.
  10. Ruby was also used as a medicine for indigestion.
  11. The legend of the origin of the ruby says that a serpent laid three eggs about two thousand years ago, according to the Gemological Institute of America. The first one hatched the King of Began. The second egg produced an emperor of China. The third egg bore the first rubies found in the gemstone mines of Mogok.

Myth, reality, or legend, Ruby is certainly a precious gem that has enchanted many over the course of history. Find a ruby of your choice at wholesale price at Asian Gem Centre.

Source : articlesbase.com


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