A blowout haircut is characterized by 2 inches of hair at the back while the sides are faded and the hair clipped. The rest of the hair remains medium length.

How to have a blowout haircut

After you have washed and dried your hair using a towel, use a hair brush to pull the hair up and back while at the same time blow drying it. Once all the hair is up and angled start working on the hair around the perimeter that you have just blow dried.

Apply the hair product starting from the back of the neck and at the beginning of the sideburns. The length of hair is these areas vary depending on your preferences, but in most cases its 0-1 level.

Once done create a second guideline that extends about 2.5 inches above the original guideline. Doing this lets you know the amount of room that you have to work with.

When applying the product don't work on the hair inside the blowout perimeter—leave it as it is. You should work around the said perimeter and coat it with hair gel. For ideal results, apply the gel thoroughly in perimeter area

You should then blend the first and second guidelines together using 3 clipper guard and soften the blowout. It's common for blowout hair to look like a mushroom cut, which isn't good. To avoid this from happening on your hair use a clipper over comb technique to cut the hair.

Once you are through with tapering the hair use hair shears to cut hair at the top and above the ears. The size to cut depends on your preferences.

If you don't like the blowout, apply another layer. This time apply the hair spray from a distance of at least one foot aiming at all the hair. Once done blow dry the hair again using your fingers and brush.

If satisfied with the blowout create a polished look by spiking the hair with a hair gel on top of the head.

In case your hair isn't straight, use a hair straightener to straighten it.

Points to note

If you are experienced you can give yourself a great blowout cut, but if you aren't, ask a professional barber to help you out.

Remember that not all products are right for you. Always check the products that you use and ensure that they aren't harmful to your hair and scalp. If you have never used thermal hairstyle products before, get help when using them as they can easily damage your scalp.

To avoid dandruff, use medicated shampoo.


This is a guide on how to have a blowout cut. For ideal results get the cut from a professional and experienced barber.

We not only have plenty of information on how to blowout your hair, we also have blowout styles for men that you can borrow. Visit us at: for a wealth of information on hairstyles and how to take care of them. 

Source : articlesbase.com


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