We all like to fall in love and marry the person who we think is our soul mate and who will walk with us lifelong. Unfortunately, life is not always the way we want it to be and there are times when things don't really work out as per plan. That is the time you need to engage the services of divorce lawyers in Singapore who can help you get out of a dying relationship with the least amount of agony. With a law firm you can avail the services of collaborative divorce processes for a speedy and correct legal proceeding. What exactly is collaborative family practice? When a marriage breaks there are a lot of associated issues that need to be resolved simultaneously. From the basic divorce proceedings to the more intense things like alimony and custody of any children are also issues that need to be resolved. If you speak to a regular lawyer they will first ask you to go for a divorce then the custody and the proceedings will carry on forever. It is new system to Singapore and that is why Singapore Divorce lawis better than that at all other places. Key features of the collaborative family practice are:

  • The parties to the proceeding pledge to not litigate in Court.
  • There is complete transparency between the parties where they try and reach a mutual agreement outside court.
  • Whatever is decided between the parties the thing that is always kept in mind is that the interest of the parties to the litigation and their children is kept at highest priority.

Owing to the advantages of the Singapore divorce law over all other parts of the world, there is a cue that most of the people can take. All the important heads like custody, taxes, insurance and maintenance are taken into consideration and done justice to. The collaborative divorce process works only when both the clients are willing to be on the same page and are agree to settle their differences. No one wants an unpleasant incident like a divorce to linger on forever and if there are children involved that mean all the more a reason to end the misery sooner. Talk to your lawyers and understand from them whether the collaborative family practice is a better method of dispute resolution for you. Time and money spent is lesser and the agony is also much lesser and you can move on with your life easily.

Source : articlesbase.com


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