It's a beautiful sunny morning in Kolkata. You are driving your way to office when all of a sudden you spot a tiny crack on the top corner of your windshield. In case, you need a Car glass change in Kolkata, you need to take some early steps to get it replaced or repaired from the service centres available there.

There are a lot of reasons that can cause windshield cracks, but can be repaired if timely action is taken. Issues related to Car glass change in Ludhiana can be prevented if chipping issues are resolved in early stages but if ignored it can cause major problems in future. A chip needs to be filled immediately before it ends up in a long crack. You can protect your windshield from major issues in a few simple steps. While everyone has a different approach to deal with it but one must follow some rules for proper windshield repairs.

Regular inspection is very necessary to keep an eye on windshield damage. When scanning through, you need to look at every corner. A lot of people inspect the centre area of the windshield while skipping the corners which is wrong. Metro cities have a huge amount of dust and dirt in atmosphere that is a frequent cause of chips and other damages. It is important to get chips and cracks repaired during early stages or it may suffer with damages in future.

To keep your windshield in good condition you should clean it regularly. Vacuuming helps pulling out unwanted particles from inaccessible parts. For temporary solution you can use a piece of tape to temporarily repair the affected area. This may or may not hinder the view outside while driving, but will provide a temporary solution and won't allow further dust to settle around the affected area.

Weather and temperature also plays role in windshield damage. Use of air-conditioners on hot afternoon can weaken the windshield from inside. Always keep your windshield dry or water droplets may freeze on glass panel causing cracks later. Glass expands and contracts on temperature change that is a major issue related to windshield cracks. Always park in shade on a hot summer afternoon to avoid this problem. You can use a hairdryer to keep your windshield dry. A lot of users clean windshield with water and detergent which is not recommended. Using a lighter cleaning fluid not only keeps your windshield clean but also helps to keep the surface dry. Water often escapes and settles in chips. This freezes during night and expands the chip and cracks the windshield.

Measuring the crack is very important. If it is longer than 12 cm, one should immediately go for a replacement. If you are going to drive before replacement is done make sure that it doesn't hinders the view outside. For starters you might be breaking traffic rules by driving a car with a broken windshield while putting your life and others in danger at the same time.

In case of a bigger crack then it is necessary to take help of a professional service. Doing this in early stage of cracks can prevent a major expenditure. Maintaining your windshield with early solutions can prevent major problems later.

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