What is adrenaline? … "a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands, especially in conditions of stress, increasing rates of blood circulation, breathing, and carbohydrate metabolism and preparing muscles for exertion." It's been proven that once your adrenaline gets going, you will fumble, stumble and fall. This is why Krav Maga is more of a philosophy based than a technique based system. Techniques, especially combatives with a resisting or attacking opponent, won't go as practiced as when in the dojo or gym. There are too many variables when someone is trying to hurt you, and it is impossible to know what will go right and what will go wrong during a "fight". Take into consideration the sudden surge of adrenaline, the physiological and the psychological effects an attack will have on the body. It's no wonder we aren't performing at our best when the SHTF. They say your training will kick in under stress, but what they don't tell you is that it won't be pretty. Gross motor skills take over and fine motor skills go to crap, we see this all the time in surveillance footage. The store manager who turns the combination to a safe everyday is all thumbs when he has a gun to his head. He isn't stalling time, he's not willing to die for the money, he just can't get his fine motor skills in line with what he wants to do and thus causes him to fumble at turning the combination, an act he has probably done hundreds of times.

It's happened to me and I've seen it happen to others as well. During a timed firearms training drill, one of the instructions was to run up to several targets, shoot and drag a weighted barrel back 10yrds. During the drill, the students seemed to forget that they had to drag the barrel back even after watching other students before them do the same exact drill. You could clearly see the adrenaline kicking in as they fumbled to retrieve magazines and insert them into the magazine well among other things.

During an Advanced Firearms course, I was being timed for the "El Presidente' Drill". This drill involved a "tac-reload" and I wanted to try to cut off as much time as possible so I placed my extra magazine into the pocket area of the cargo pants I was wearing. I was wearing my duty belt (police belt) and had trained consistently for over 10yrs to access my magazine pouch when reloading. But I figured if I could save a little time by not having to unsnap the magazine pouch and just reach down and retrieve the loose magazine. I tried to prepare for this mentally prior to the drill. I repeated the words over and over in my head, "your magazine is in your pocket, the magazine is in your pocket". I even made several "go to" motions with my hand in an attempt to acquire "muscle memory" so I would automatically retrieve the magazine from its new location. When the drill began and my slide locked to the rear, what do you think I did? That's right; I went straight for my magazine pouch! What an idiot I had thought to myself, but what could have I expected after years of training to grab the extra "mag" from my magazine pouch?

Krav Maga training helps you use that adrenaline to your advantage. We emphasize going forward regardless if the technique is less than perfect. There is no "stopping" during a fight because your technique didn't look like what you had practiced in class. There is no second chance to do it right out on the street. Use that adrenaline to go forward with as much aggression as you can muster and keep going until you are safe enough to get away. Krav Maga training is designed to get your heart rate up and our simulated attacks are designed to give you that "been there done that" experience. We promise to make every effort to provide you with the most realistic self defense training possible. Train hard and be safe everyone.

Source : articlesbase.com


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