When you think about company branding, a logo is often the first thing to spring to mind. Any top brand has an easily recognisable logo is consistently presented in the same colour and design format, whether it is on a shop front, an item of clothing, packaging, advertising or a business card. We get so used to seeing these business symbols, that in a split second we can make an association between the image, the company and what it offers. We know in an instant if that is a company that we want to engage with, or not.

With so much being communicated by a small logo, it's no wonder that when it comes to web design, many companies focus considerable attention on the size and position of the logo. They want to ensure it is clearly seen and prominent on the page. However, when visiting a website, most individuals aren't interested in a logo. They are seeking other aspects of branding, which help them to make informed consumer choices.

You may have a bold logo and a snappy slogan, but branding is more far reaching than these. Branding encompasses every aspect of your business including the products and services you chose to offer along with the quality, style, status and price associated with these items. It covers your customer service, the words and images used in your brochures, on your website and in your advertising. Branding also includes your ethics, your passion, your personality and standards. It is the whole package; a portrait of your business.

Website Branding

When you are planning your new web design, it is important to give detailed consideration to how you are going to communicate the details of your brand in full. Whilst you may dream of customers knowing your business from one glimpse of your logo, if you want them to fully embrace your brand, you need to engage with them. In order to engage with them, you need to understand exactly what it is about your brand that attracts interest and work to promote this in every aspect of your online content.

It is important to understand that buying into a brand is more than just making a purchase. The process is more emotional and has parallels with belonging to a specific community. As consumers we chose to shop in particular stores or buy certain brands because they reinforce an image of ourselves that we want to portray.

The words, images, colours, typeface and layout of a web page can all work towards communicating this connection between our brand and our customer's identity. We want to openly demonstrate our active sporty image, our passion for the environment, our status, our youth or our creativity and the brands we buy enable us to do this.

Pride in a Brand

It is important that every company is proud of their brand; that it celebrates the aspects of the business that were the initial driving force that led to its creation in the first place. If you've always focused on great value, high quality, fun, fair trade or innovation, this should be clearly reflected in your brand and in your web design. What was the motivation behind your business and is this still at the heart of your business plan and operations? If it still holds dear, then branding should come as second nature.

As a customer, have you ever made a purchase and then hidden the bag inside another because you didn't want anyone else knowing you had shopped in that store? We may be swayed by factors such as price or convenience, but our connection with a specific brand is also a matter of pride. We seek out brands that help us to fulfil our ability to be the type of person we want to be. When the connection is strong, we feel proud of our purchase.

In order to deliver a great result, your web design company really needs to understand your brand and what your business is aiming to achieve. They won't instinctively know what your passions are and who you are trying to appeal to, so you need to communicate with them. By spending time on preparing for the project, you are more likely to end up with a website that you feel proud of.

If you are looking for a professional company to undertake your web design, High Wycombe based Urban Media http://urbanmediahighwycombe.co.uk/web-design-high-wycombe/ can deliver.

Source : articlesbase.com


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