1. A specific feeding regimen is important for keeping a sanitary food bowl, preventing overeating, and maintaining a regular potty schedule - especially when training puppies or kittens. Changes in eating habits, such as loss of appetite, can be an indication of overall health. Remember that fresh water must be provided at all times.

2. Switching your pet's food can lead to serious discomfort if not done correctly. Every pet has unique nutritional needs based on their age, weight, size, and health conditions and it's important to select a formula that provides essential nutrients for optimal health. When switching your pet food brand, be sure to gradually introduce the new recipe over the span of seven days.

3. While fancy labels will grab your attention, understanding exactly what's in the bag is the most important factor when selecting a pet food. Nutram recipes provide a complete and balanced diet - no additional mineral supplements required. Before heading to the register, be sure that 'what's on the bag - is in the bag.'

4.Obesity is a growing problem in cats and dogs – so limit the buffet. Just as it's important for humans to watch what they eat, pets also need to consume food according to their age, weight, and lifestyle. Rather than free-feeding your pet measure out portion sizes to ensure your pet's ideal body condition.

5. Fur alone cannot keep your pet warm. Animals suffer from weather extremes the same as humans. Especially during blizzards and storms, keeping your pet inside a warm, dry home is the best solution.

6. Provide your pet with a year-round diet that will improve their wellness. Nutram recipes offer a holistic and nutrition-first approach to assisting with digestion, immunity boost, weight control, mobility, and other special wellness needs for your pet at any life stage.

7. Don't stop exercising with your pet in the winter. Instead, take short, frequent walks in the daylight instead of extended excursions.

8. Do not leave your pet alone in the car. Just as a car acts as a microwave in the heat, it acts as a refrigerator in the winter, which could cause harm and even lead to death.

9. Outdoors, pets face dangers from road salts, chemicals, antifreeze, and poisons. Be sure to wash your pet's paws with a warm cloth after being outside. Keep all toxic containers locked up and clean spills immediately.

10. Outdoor cats will naturally seek warmth, and most often this means near the warm engine of a car. Be sure to double check under the car before starting your engine.

Source : articlesbase.com


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