Many a times heroes come out of the middle class when there is a crisis, said many noted thinkers and historians of the world. Yes, that may be true as we see in the different freedom struggles of different nations of the world and at times of national crisis. But do you think there is an ongoing social crisis now like there was at the times of the freedom struggle of India. Many of us would say no to it. Life in most parts and fragments are peaceful and quite comfortable. But others say you need to be having that sensitivity and the love for society to understand and perceive the problems and the crisis of people's lives. There is always a crisis which may vary in degree. This is perhaps what the heroes like Muthappa Rai felt when they devoted themselves into social services and tried to change the lives of many.

Muthappa Rai was a common man coming up from a very humble middle class family and he started his life from the role of a bank clerk. But that feeling and sensitivity was always dwelling in his heart to do something good for the people that he so deeply belonged to. What is the way out? Needless to say he needs money. He started business by leaving his job and the beginning was with a restaurant in MG Road, Bangalore which he was successful in. Then started other business ventures with import and export with other countries in which he was equally successful. His wife passed away keeping the bereft family. He had the household duty of rearing the children and then they were grown up and became independent. At this stage he started what he really wanted to do, the wellbeing for the society that he comes from.

He founded the organization Jaya Karnataka out of his own funds and today within a very short term his nonprofit organization became a very big philanthropic institution. He started it in a small scale with the funds from his own and today the organization has 300 branches or more in all the districts of Karnataka and has more than 7 lakh members in total. He started inspiring the youth and showing the way for social service and how the path of service to the nation can help them in making their own mindsets and philosophies of life. The organization Jaya Karnataka started gaining momentum with a socialist outlook even in capitalist urban societies and urban centres like that of Bangalore and today the organization is a saviour to many. How did it all happen? Well according to Muthappa Rai, where there is a will there is a way.

At the beginning stages of Jaya Karnataka, Muthappa Rai was alone. He started a self-help group in the districts of Bidadi and started helping the poor and the needy in respect of procuring water in the drought prone areas, funding for the medical treatments, arranging for the blood donation camps and the like. All these started in a way in which the public were convinced about the good will of the organization and their sincerity in helping to improve their lives and making a difference in improving their standards of living. It became more so and started becoming prominent when expensive and urgent medical operations and surgery were being funded by Jaya Karnataka which saved the lives of many people. But apart from these areas the organization started looking into many aspects of the lives of the people like maternity welfare, child education, primary education, health and hygiene and many other factors. Muthappa Rai started becoming the idol and the legend as many people's lives started to be getting touched by the work of this philanthropist.

Today apart from working in Karnataka he also has started spreading his mission in other parts of the country and the neighbouring states of Karnataka too. His organization, Jaya Karnataka or Muthappa Rai himself has organized many blood donation camps and undertook other such philanthropic measures in many districts of Andhra Pradesh and few other states. Many opine that such organization like the one that Muthappa Rai founded in Karnataka have to be founded in other states to look after the conditions of the people. Anyway all these endeavours of Muthappa Rai has given him a status of a social activist and made him a legendary figure too.

Very recently the maverick and the noted film maker Ram Gopal Verma expressed the desire to film the life of Muthappa Rai in a feature film which he plans to shoot after completing few of the films that he has at hand. The noted film maker wanted to make the life story of Muthappa Rai as an example for the audience and to show the young generation that everything can be achieved if it can be aspired.

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