It has been a story of more than seven years since The Akshaya Patra Foundation began serving mid-day meal in Andhra Pradesh. Akshaya Patra first made its advent as a NGO in Visakhapatnam in October 2008. Catering to 82 government schools in Visakhapatnam location, Akshaya Patra provides mid-day meal to 21,333 children each day. The mid-day meal in this location is prepared at a centralised kitchen unit. The cooked meal is then delivered to schools in customised meal delivery vans with honeycomb racks to avoid food spillage and insulated body to retain temperature and freshness of the cooked meal till it reaches its destination. The menu of the school lunch in Andhra Pradesh caters to the South Indian palate. The menu includes rice, dal (dish made with dried pulses) and nutritious vegetable dishes. Along with providing food in AP, the organisationin Visakhapatnamalso reaches out to Anganwadi centres present in the location. In total, Akshaya Patra is currently catering to 190 Anganwadi centres in Visakhapatnam thereby benefitting 36,360 children aged between 0-6 years. With this feeding programme, the NGO is also catering to the nutritional requirements of children during their early formative years.

Akshaya Patra believes that as a NGO in Visakhapatnam, it is not just eliminating hunger of 21,333 children, rather it is feeding the dreams and hopes of so many thousands children. A click at Stories of Hope will uncover a world of ambitions and hopes of beneficiaries who despite numerous hurdles in lives have the perseverance and determination to transform their present unfavourable life situations to something better and promising. Read these stories and get to know the beneficiaries of the mid-day meal in Andhra Pradesh, who knows you may come across a child who shares your dream or who may aspire to excel in your field of expertise. This will open up an opportunity to support a child not just by contributing donations but also by sharing your knowledge and skill. These beneficiaries have the zeal and determination to learn and achieve, they just await a little support from you. Get involve with the organisation to know how you can be a part of this noble social cause.

Akshaya Patra indeed is one among the many mid-day meal charity organisations in India but it is considered to be one of the prominent organisations in this sector of service. The sincerity, dedication, process and management efficiency and transparency policy of Akshaya Patra in effectively carrying out the mid-day meal programme has received much appreciation over the years. Among the many charity organisations in India, Akshaya Patra is the first non-profit organisation to have achieved a place in the much coveted Hall of Fame of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. The Foundation has also been nominated as a member of National Steering-cum-Monitoring Committee of Mid-Day Meal Scheme thereby receiving an opportunity to be amidst the policy makers and furthering the implementation of the mid-day meal programme.

Choose your way to support this NGO in Visakhapatnam and partake in changing the lives of children at the grass root level. 

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