How to play minesweeper game

Brief description of the game 

The Minesweeper game has been the popular  game for several years now. Part of its popularityMight  come from its simplicity. A board represents a mine field, with mines hidden under the squares.The game consists in finding the mines without making the mines  explode.You will get new hints each time you uncover a non-mined square.Though, the simplicity does not make the game easy. The Minesweeper problem is very  hard: it has been proven NP-complete by Richard Kaye . So simple techniques are not enough to solve it.

In this article,we show how the problem of finding the safe moves can be modeled as the Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP). The Techniques from the field of constraint programming can be used to program the digital assistant for the player. We applied them in the real application, the Oz Minesweeper. This relatively small program is demonstrates the power of the programming language Oz.

A mine field is given to the player as a rectangular board. Each square on the board may hide at most one mine. The total number of the  mines is known by the player who is playing the game. A move consists in uncovering a square. If the square holds a mine, the mine will explodes and the game is over . Otherwise, the  number in the square indicates how many mines are held in the surrounding  the squares, which are a adjacent squares in the eight directions north, north-east, east, south-east, south, southwest, west, and north-west. The goal of this  game is to uncover all the squares that do not hold a mine.How to play minesweeper the rules are simple:close the boxes with flags and uncover the mines and game is over.

There are three levels in minesweeper game,they are

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced.
  • Beginner consists of 9*9 tile grid with 10 mines.
  • Intermediate consists of 16*16 with 40 mines
  • Advanced consists of 16*30 tile grid with 99 mines.

This board contains 20 mines. Each square is identified by its coordinates row and column. The squares (1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (2,1), (2,2), (2,3), (2,4), (3,4), and (4,4) have already been played, and have no mine in their respective surrounding squares. The squares  are (1,5), (3,1), (3,2), (3,3), (4,3), and (4,5) have been played, too, and are surrounded by one mined square each. The square are  (2,5), (3,5), (5,4), and (5,5) each have two mines in their neighborhood, while the square  are(5,3) has three mines around it. In this example, the player might deduce from (3,3) that (4,2) is mined, and by the game (3,2) that (4,1) is a safe move.


Finding the safe moves on the board consists in solving the problem given by those numbers in the squares of the game. The unknown of this problem is the positions of the mines. We model this as a binary matrix that represents the mine field, with one entry per square. The value 1 means that the corresponding square is mined, while 0 means a safe square. The Minesweeper application with a digital assistant. The latter is based on a simple mathematical model of this Minesweeper game, and various techniques coming from the field of constraint programming. It proved to be a effective, and is  a capable to infer every logical consequence of the problem to solve. It computes the mine probabilities without computational burden. The simplicity and efficiency of our application relies on the language Oz and the platform Mozart. The dataflow concurrency, symbolic data, and constraint system makes the application's architecture modular and elegant.

History of the Minesweeper game

Minesweeper is a very popular game with mines and flags.It requires logic and problem-solving tactics to play and solve in theBeginner,Intermediate and Adanced levels for the minesweeper game.In this article i will tell about the origins of theminesweeper game.

Minesweeper game was designed in 1985 called "Relentless Logic".This game was designed by "Hong,Smith,and Conway"and then the game is buid in the opearting system and many millions of people like this game as of today.

In 1987 an updated version of Relentless Logic is released by Tom Anderson called 'XMines'.Xmines was played using a mouse,planting flags,and numbered cells to see how many mines are around the player's position.Xmines game was made withSubsequent variations on relentless logic.

In 1990 Microsoft published the Windows Entertainment Pack for the new Windows operating system.By 1992 Minesweeper has gaineda cult following internationally,how to play minesweeper like a pro and Microsoft gradually updated the features of the game minesweeper in every subsequent release of the Windowsof the windows Entertainment Pack including the sound,improved the graphics,and the ability to replace the landmines with flowersand later flags-An alteration was proposed by the anti-landmine group.

As the popularity of minesweeper increased,several sites began to promote the game and rank players of the expert board-There are several sites which offersthe intermediate and expert levels for the minesweeper game.The current world record for the expert level is 38 seconds.

As online gaming came,it was only the sites like Facebook offered the game minesweeper to offer without requiring Microsoft Windows.


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