Finally, our online store is gaining traffic, views, and clicks, but something is indeed missing. One thing that is missing which is crucial in any business to stay afloat is to have profit, and to have that, we need people to buy our product or service. We can't deny that gaining a lot of traffic in our business is part of success – even for us at Magento Developer Sydney – as it is for a matter of fact proof that people are interested in whatever you have to offer. Problem is... they're just looking at it.
This article will be giving you some sound information on what could be the probable cause why they won't dare click on the purchase button. Knowing the possible details "why" will give you a few steps of changes to be followed on your site to make those happy viewers turn into lovable buyers.
2 major reasons why they just view:
Security and GuaranteeTrust goes to the top when it comes to having only viewers and not buyers. One thing that can turn off anyone is having low security, this simply means they just don't trust if you can deliver it. We can't stop this since people also have to feel assured when it comes to buying online, guaranteed that it's no scam or fraud within the transaction – due to the news everywhere that hackers and scammers are always on the loose ready to make data breaches and fraud which are happening very often.
You have to show these guys that your website is trustworthy by all means; a simple start to show off is to display your certificates that you are a legitimate business and not aiming to do anything awful. Utilise any security seals available and display them on appropriate areas such as the buying process page, but just in normal amounts – overdoing it is just as bad. Also, provide authoritative affiliates if you have some to ensure them that you're in the big league. Utilising these basic tactics will alleviate their concerns and worries, ensuring a quick deal and loads of income.
Incomprehensible Store PoliciesFor serious buyers that are the search-to-purchase type of people, policies and formal contents are deemed required. Return policies, delay, funds and compensations should be written not to impress, but to be easily understood in the simplest of ways possible. These are the type of target you would love since most of the time, they purchase their goods online, and so, they just want to make things clear. If you haven't made your store policies to the best that it can be, then this can be a cause for just views and not sales. You may think this isn't the cause but trust us here at Magento Developer Sydney because we've tried it already. Even if you're price is quite above against your competitors, if they like it then they won't care as long as they're assured – Quality service over quick deals with unclear ends.
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