So, you are excited and worried at the same time! Not too many times that you get a feeling like this when you are 18-20 years of age. With your first love bike and a thrill to impress, you would be at the road transport office hoping to get through your test with flying colours. Would it be that simple though? What would be the first few things you would have to be wary about when you are going to prove that you are meant for the mean roads on your lean machine? Here is a quick guide to help you get through your bike driving test in the first go!

1. Know the bike: One of the first things you have to do when you plan to get your riding license done is to get familiar with the bike. Unless you do this perfectly well, you would never be comfortable with the bike or know the exact methods around it. For example, you should be accustomed to the clutch as well as the gears. As a first time or an inexperienced rider, you are bound to have issues with the clutch release (especially at the first gear), but choosing the right bike can help. Using a common bike that is easy to use because of the sheer comfort would be a great idea, pick any of the Bajaj Bikes India since it would be an easy fit and great option. Spend as much as time possible getting to know the functions of each item on the bike and get familiarised with the functioning. It is the best way to get through a quick question round by the officer too.

2. Confidence: The most important element during any exam is the sheer confidence you have. You want to be confident enough to take the bike with zero stall and with patience. Considering the fact that you already have a learners permit to practice riding, get all the hours you can under your belt. Do not start on crowded roads, instead learn to let go of the clutch and gear shifts in empty spaces only. Once you are completely sure of handling a bike and the power, take the motorcycle onto the road.

3. Know the path you have to ride on: Most driving schools explain this before the test, but make sure you know the place where the test is going to take places and get the common riding techniques well practiced. So for example, many tests consist of a rider completing the sign '8' on the road. It requires good control and balance. So, complete this a few times before and make sure you are sure of the road you have to go on.

4. Check the bike for any irregularities: Before you go for the bike test, you have to be completely aware of the basic riding regulations. That would include you owning a helmet, the rear view mirrors and so on. It is an absolute must that you know how to take turns as well as indicators. This can be a big reason for rejection, so make sure you are on top of your game here.

5. Fitness of the bike: Lastly, you do not want a bike that gets you rejected by the officers. Make sure all the documents of the bike are in place and that there are no flouted norms. The bike should be in good condition and must not breakdown during the test (you aren't passing in that case).

It takes quite a bit of practice to ace a bike riding test in one go and give it your best shot. Be sure of the way you ride, make sure you make the right eye contact and most importantly, be calm on the road. Many of us great and composed riders do not get it on the first go, so don't stress out. All the best!

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