A good fire service instructor is themselves dedicated to learning.  They actively seek out knowledge.  They read, then read some more.  They understand what they're reading.  They keep up to date with techniques, technology and innovations related to the fire industry so that they can pass this on to their students.  They know that in order for them to successfully instruct, they must know their stuff.

And not only do they know their stuff but they can also take what they know and add relevance to it so that it makes sense to their students.  There's not much point in being a fount of all knowledge and wisdom about all things fire related if you can't get your students to understand what you're teaching them.  Closely aligned to making information relevant is making it interesting.  Interest often follows relevance.  Make something relevant to someone and you'll also make it interesting for them.

Often experience is what helps a good fire service instructor make things relevant and interesting for their students.  With experience comes real life stories and real life stories can be used to add credibility to subject matter as well as illustrate a point.  Good fire instructors also have the experience to know their areas of expertise and won't try to take on teaching those areas where they lack real practical knowledge and experience.

A good instructor also has motivation and passion, and the ability to inspire motivation and passion in their students.  Motivated, passionate students ultimately make for motivated, passionate fire fighters.  They're the go-getters who can't wait to get out into the field and apply what they've learned.  They're the ones who also often go above and beyond in the course of their duties and will do whatever it takes to get the job done.  Not a bad attitude to have in an emergency situation.

Having the ability to teach in a positive manner is also an important attribute for a good instructor.  Turning negatives into positives by creating a learning experience out of mistakes for instance, instead of playing a 'blame' game, goes a long way towards creating a positive, open atmosphere where mistakes won't be covered up for fear of reprisal.

A good fire service instructor also never forgets that they too were once 'newbies' in the fire services and that they got where they are thanks to mentors and teaches like they themselves have become.

Become A Florida Fire Instructor 1

If you think you'd like to become a Fire Instructor 1, which is the first step on the Fire Instructor hierarchy, there are several options open to you, one of which is to enrol yourself into a self-paced, open enrolment style online course.  Upon completion of the course work, you'll have qualified to sit the relevant Florida Fire Marshals Office / Bureau of Fire Fighter Standards and Training exams.  The online courses can be accessed through Ricky Rescue Fire Academy.

Source : articlesbase.com


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