Traditionally, when looking for a job, people would scour the local newspapers or visit the local job centre to see what vacancies and positions were available. Nowadays, the search for a new job has been transformed with the introduction of the recruitment agency. With a recruitment agency in Northern Beaches, you simply submit your CV and work history and the recruitment agency will match you up with potential job opportunities. More and more companies are signing up to recruitment agencies, which means that you have access to hundreds of jobs when you join one. Here are some reasons why it's better to use a recruitment agency to find a new job:1. Save money and timeBy signing up with a recruitment agency, you will save yourself a considerable amount of money and time. There's no need to print off numerous copies of your CV, no need for postage and also no need to go knocking on doors to see what job vacancies they have. Some recruitment agencies will even help you format your CV which means that you are getting expert help and advice thrown in.2. Better information on employersWhen an agency matches you with a vacancy at a particular company, they can help you secure that job by giving you as much information on the company as possible. Through their client partnerships, they can advise you as to what sort of format the interview will take, the types of questions that may be asked (not the actual questions obviously!) and they will be able to provide you with useful and relevant information on the position being applied for.

3. Negotiate on your behalfIf you've passed the interview and have been lucky enough to get offered the position, your recruitment agency can help you negotiate the best salary package. By either negotiating on your behalf or by providing you with advice and tips on carrying out the negotiation yourself, it's good to have the experience and expertise of a recruitment agency by your side.4. Specific job searchingBy joining a recruitment agency, you can expect a more specific job searching experience. Recruitment agencies in Northern Beaches can put you forward for job positions that will suit you, your talents and your career ambitions. This is infinitely better than trying to gauge the suitability of a job position for you by reading a job description or role profile.Looking for a job can be a full-time job in itself. By joining a recruitment agency to help you with your search, you reduce your workload while increasing your chance of success – what's not to like?

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