In a world where traditional forms of advertising (newspapers, radio, TV) aren't as effective as it used to, and more people are buying, selling or looking for details online, Internet visibility is deemed as hard currency.

But when small entrepreneurs compete against larger companies (who have well-funded marketing teams), gaining much-needed attention on the Worldwide Web can be a tough feat. However, there are actually web marketing strategies that work, but don't cost an arm and a leg. Here's a look at a few of them. 

Write An e-Book About The Big Issues In Your Industry

One of the cheapest, but most effective, ways for gaining a foothold in your niche market online is through writing an e-book. It could be about the biggest or most pressing issues in your industry or market segment. 

By writing an e-book, web marketers and entrepreneurs will no longer need to pay publishing companies thousands of dollars just to get their book published and distributed. On sites like Amazon, e-book publishers are allowed to upload a digital book for free, with Amazon getting a 33% take on every sale.

The goal is not to profit from direct e-book sales, but to use it as an effective lead generation tool, which encourages readers to opt into your website for extra  information.

If you're looking for seasoned, but affordable e-book writers, then you can search sites like Odesk or E-lance. Using those sites, you can hire great ghostwriters to help you convert blog posts or audio recordings into e-book formats. 

Publish Articles On Niche Blogs

Another effective, yet affordable, Internet marketing technique would be to write articles, and distribute them on the various article directories and niche blogs.

According to a noted business coach Singapore, If your articles get featured on a popular niche blog, it allows your business to engage with customers, and share helpful ideas with them.

To do this, identify three to five blogs which cater to your market, contact the blog creator and offer them new ideas on how you'd like to bring value to their readers.

You could offer the niche blog owner or administrator a token, like a portion of your service or one of your smaller products for free. The administrator can then give that to their audiences as a gift.    

You could even interview the blog owner or manager for your site or articles, as this may entice them to promote your content, since it highlights their blog service too.

Create YouTube Videos

Here's another way for generating more awareness for your business online – create YouTube videos. Don't you know that YouTube has more than 800 million unique visitors per month? This explains why the video-sharing service is the best platform for posting or sharing marketing videos.

The YouTube marketing videos you make, and post, should include the following elements – a keyword researched headline, a clear editorial message, and a call to action, which tells viewers to do something, like subscribe to your newsletter or channel.    

Build A LinkedIn Group

Among the different social networks, LinkedIn is hailed as one of the most beneficial when it comes to fostering and cultivating healthy and lucrative business opportunities. That's because it has a large clustering of entrepreneurs and decision makers. 

Creating a LinkedIn group is absolutely free, and it allows web marketers to provide useful information, share ideas with peers, and drive traffic to their website, as well as increase sales.

Just don't use it as a platform some nasty hard selling.

According to experts, Internet marketers today no longer need to spend a fortune so they can stand out from the crowd, especially online. These 4 affordable yet effective and creative methods should help budding and even seasoned marketers.

Whichever method you use, you should be able to build personal branding Singapore, target your niche market, and generate profits in a fast-paced, competitive digital world. 

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