Railroad Signal Operator Lee Bowers was on a roof of a nearby building at the time of the JFK murder and had a clear view of Dealey Plaza and the picket fence area. He saw the shooter run from the fence towards the rear of the TSBD (Texas School Building Depository).

Railroad terminal operator Lee Bowers had an unobstructed view of the entire area, behind the picket fence, on top of the grassy knoll, from where he was working in the railroad signal tower. Bower's had a bird's eye view, of all the shooters and their accomplices, behind the picket fence that day. Bowers died, in 1966 at 41 years of age, under suspicious circumstances as he was run off the road; in broad daylight, into a cement structure in Midlothian, Texas. As he was dying, he told the ambulance people that he was drugged at a coffee shop beforehand.

When asked by the Warren Commission, "Now, were there any people standing on the high side — high ground between your tower and where Elm Street goes down under the underpass toward the mouth of the underpass?" Bowers testified that at the time the motorcade went by on Elm Street, four men were in the area: one or two uniformed parking lot attendants, one of whom Bowers knew; and two men standing 10 to 15 feet apart near the Triple Underpass, who did not appear to know each other. One was "middle-aged, or slightly older, fairly heavy-set, in a white shirt, fairly dark trousers" and the other was "younger man, about mid-twenties, in either a plaid shirt or plaid coat or jacket." One or both were still there when the first police officer arrived "immediately" after the shooting. Many assumed that Bowers meant that these men were standing behind the stockade fence at the top of the grassy knoll.

Dallas Deputy Seymour Weiztman ran to the picket fence area seconds after the shooting where he found a man who displayed Secret Service credentials. Officially the Secret Service had NO agents in Dealey Plaza that day. Weiztman later identified the man as Cuban born Watergate burglar & Brigade 2506 member Bernard Barker.

Officer DV Harkness found three men behind the TSBD building a few minutes after the shooting. All three claimed to be Secret Service and were let go. Harkness told the Warren Commission that he wasn't able to verify their identity. Eyewitness James Worrell saw a man in a suit with black hair run out the back door of the TSBD a few seconds after the shooting. Obviously NOT Oswald. James Worrell died in a car "accident" after his Warren Commission testimony.

Bowers served in the U.S. Navy from ages 17 to 21. He attended Hardin-Simmons University for two years then Southern Methodist University for two years, majoring in religion. He worked for the Union Terminal Co. rail-yard for 15 years, also working as a self-employed builder. In 1964 he began working as business manager for a hospital and convalescent home.

Apparently, Lee Bowers NEVER TOLD all he saw from the railroad signal tower, on November 22, 1963. THERE IS MORE TO THE STORY AS DESCRIBED ABOVE. A friend of Bowers, Walter Rachel, says Bowers was afraid to tell what he knew. Rachel says Bowers saw a car pull up (near Badge Man position), two men got out with rifles, and one man positioned himself on a car, or on their car. Bowers saw smoke and thought both men, who were wearing uniforms, fired shots. These two men were standing back from the street somewhat at the top of the incline and were very near two trees which were in the area. And one of them, from time to time as he walked back and forth, disappeared behind a wooden fence which is also slightly to the west of that. These two men to the best of my knowledge were standing there at the time of the shooting. Bowers states that as the motorcade passed "there was a flash of light or smoke" in the vicinity of where the two men were standing.

Walter Rachel said Lee Bower's brother, Monty said Lee Bowers once disappeared for two days, and when he finally arrived home Lee was missing a finger. All Lee would give was a bogus explanation so Monty called all the local hospitals and there was no record of it. Lee Bowers was obviously being terrorized not to talk. Lee Bower's death certificate is missing and there was no autopsy.

There is absolutely no doubt Lee Bowers saw Dallas Policeman Roscoe White, in his uniform, shoot President John F. Kennedy to death, there is no doubt Roscoe White knew Bowers had seen him and that it bothered him tremendously for years and, there is also no doubt at all that Roscoe White, of the CIA, was the one behind the murder of Lee Bowers, either directly or indirectly.


Source : articlesbase.com


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