Start a family life and bearing a child is really a great and wonderful part of our life. Many people long to have kids but for one or more factors they are incapable to conceive. They can get the solution through the process of surrogacy.Surrogacy is the process of carrying an embryo and giving birth to a baby by a woman. The woman is referred to as surrogate for a couple or another individual. Surrogacy is popular among people who cannot conceive children in the natural way. 1. The most common reason people look for surrogacy is when the woman is not having uterus. It may be missing by birth or may be surgically removed for life saving reasons such as excessive bleeding. 2. People who have faced multiple miscarriages or who had repeated failure of IVF attempts also opt for surrogacy.3. Many women are able to produce healthy eggs but are unable to become pregnant and they are ideal people. There are women who can become pregnant but have risk of miscarriages. Then surrogacy is the best option for these situations. 4. The gay couple and single men also opt for surrogacy to have children.The surrogate woman would do so for compassionate reasons. The surrogate woman may be sister, close friend or mother of the couple. Some women opt to surrogate for financial remuneration. They may be known or unknown to the couple. The surrogate women may be with or without children. Primarily there are two types of surrogacy, one is traditional and the other one is gestational.In traditional surrogacy the surrogate mother is the donor of the egg as well as carries the embryo. Here, the surrogate women is impregnated with intended biological father's sperm using IUI (Intrauterine insemination) method. As the surrogate woman's egg is used for pregnancy she becomes the biological mother of the child.In gestational surrogacy process, initially the embryo is created from the sperm of the biological father and the egg of the biological mother through invitro fertilization process. Then the surrogate woman is allowed to carry the embryo and she will not be the biological mother. It takes about 3 to 5 days to create the embryo in the lab before it is impregnated into the surrogate woman. Once the surrogate is impregnated with the embryo, she will carry it till the birth of the child.

There are both advantages and disadvantages in these two types of surrogacy and the best option depends on the situations. Contact IVF India in South Delhi, for all your infertility issues and Surrogacy needs in India.The traditional surrogacy is of lower cost comparing to gestational surrogacy. There is not any donation fee and if the insemination gets failed, it can be attempted again within few weeks. The surrogate will be the biological mother in traditional surrogacy and she need not take any additional fertility medication.Whereas in gestational surrogacy, both the intended child's biological parents become the biological parents of the child and the surrogate woman is used only for carrying purpose. This reason is of great importance to many parents to opt for gestational surrogacy. Gestational surrogacy is costlier than traditional surrogacy as both the eggs and sperm are obtained from the biological parents. The Fertility Clinic – IVF Solutions is the best Surrogacy Centre in Delhi, India to provide surrogacy form of treatment at low prices. The surrogacy cost in India is comparatively low to western countries. The Fertility IVF Solutions is becoming the choice of many people because of its comparative excellent success rates globally.

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