Development of rural communities became essential in Odisha as well as India, these days. Urbanization may not be the only solution but has positive inputs for rural development programmes in Odisha. Besides the livelihood requirements health and education are the primary needs. The buzz of development needs to reach the remote rural areas of Odisha. Involvement of the real needy people, addressing more villages and their major health issues, etc carries the significance. Rural Health in Odisha – The Current Scenario:The scenario of health and sanitation in Odisha is on rise. Inputs from private and public sectors towards this niche are growing. To achieve the goals, new and efficient strategies are necessary. Right from funding to execution, there are lots of things to be strengthened. Concentrating on the real challenges or barriers required to be pointed out, for making the village people healthy and prosperous.Primary Focused Groups:•    Women – Right from livelihood to health and sanitation, there are many issues found when we strategize for a broader goal. Empowerment of rural women has the potential to strengthen different rural development programmes in Odisha. State and national governments are projecting for the steady growth of this group. Direct involvement of the women became essential now, and the role of gender equality, women empowerment, etc are significant.Access to primary health services, improvement of maternal health, combating hazardous diseases, etc are considered as the solutions. Spreading awareness, bringing women into the mainstreams, and other strategic programs needed to be addressed.

•    Children – Not just primary education, health and sanitation facilities are too essential for this social group. Recognizing different aspects of success and failure of earlier strategies could clarify the insights better. Along with preparing efficient strategies for transforming rural health in Odisha, its implementation channels need to be checked thoroughly. Reducing child mortality and promoting gender equality became essential parameters.Malnutrition is one of the major challenges of the health and rural development programmes in Odisha. To eradicate this barrier, easy access to health and sanitation facilities for children is fundamental.•    Aged – The elderly population of Odisha is another deprived social group that demands reinforcements. Availability of proper, free or affordable health facilities is vital. In the rural regions or remote villages of the state, there are no special care facilities available for the old people. The developmental programmes that focusing rural health in Odisha need to address this group to all intents and purposes. Combating malaria and other diseases can be considered as a part of efficient strategies to reform the basic health services in villages.Initiatives made by different public and private organizations are highlighting these issues effectively. Executing all these strategized programs and tracking their progress in rural areas of Odisha state is fundamental. Efficient strategies, continuous achievements, and reinforcement of new approaches are the primary requirements. Use of all the resourceful channels, technologies, and data has the potential to support developments towards rural health in Odisha.

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