Incision scars can be the ugliest part of your journey of cosmetic surgery. No one wishes to be marked down by unsightly and large scar underneath a beautifully sculpted breast. Scarring is a part which you have to consider before undergoing the plastic surgery itself, mainly if the surgeries are aesthetic like breast enhancement.

The types of incision meant for a successful breast augmentation are Auxiliary, Periareolar, inframammary and periumbilical.

The incisions that will be longer than one typically made for the breast augmentation with a round silicone and a saline gel breast implant.  Whether you are unhappy about the size and the shape of your breasts or just wish to capture the perkiness which you had before childbirth and aging, the ideal option to achieve your aesthetic goals as per majority masses is the breast augmentation.

• Periareolar Incision:

Being the most concealed incision sites,  Periareolar incision can increase  the  chance that there may be change in the nipple sensation. But the negative point is that this incision is associated with a higher likelihood for breast feeding difficulties as this process involves the direct cutting of the breast tissue which may hamper causing certain breast feeding issues.

• Transaxillary Incision:

If the incision is made from under the arm, with the help of a lighted camera (endoscope), which shall help the mobility through the tunnel of sub-cutenous fat easily for making a pocket behind the breast .  This type of incision is primarily required to place unfilled saline breast implants in the breast region.

•          Inframammary incision:

This is the most commonly used incision patterns at the present time, which is made below the breast fold.  Through this incision is generally less concealed than the others, but the fewer breastfeeding difficulties.

•          Transumbilical incision:

Entered through the umbilical channel or belly button this type of incision may even cause some amount of damage to the implant shell. This incision site is researched and not much recommended by professionals.

Regardless the type of incision you and your doctor decide to undertake, it should be small enough so that once it heals completely, there should be very faint scar existing.  Though if you are concerned about scarring it varies as per patient to patient, depending on factors like genetics.

After all this you may have to decide that a TUBA or transumbilical is the right choice for you, which shall help you hide your cuts inside the folds. Attain a youthful look and fuller figure to resize and reshape your aesthetics successfully with advanced procedures, with which you can fulfill the desire that you had.

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