However, it is also important for businesses to get the functionality, performance and user experience of the websites tested thoroughly to impress and engage website visitors. The businesses can always effectuate web application testing by following a number of best practices.

5 Web Application Testing Best Practices Each Tester Must Know

1) Test Web Services Independently

Nowadays web services have become an integral part of web application development. The testers can reap a number of benefits by testing the web services independently, and not as integrated components of the website. The web services can be tested more quickly as not JavaScript, CSS or images need to be loaded. Also, it becomes easier for testers to identify the issues and their reasons by debugging the web service independently. They can even use a variety of tools to assess the web services independently and quickly.

2) Perform Elaborate Cross-Browser Compatibility Testing

To deliver quality user experience, the web application must run seamlessly on different types and versions of web browsers. But the older versions of certain browsers do not support HTML5 and CSS3. So the testers need to ensure that the app runs smoothly on different versions of each commonly used web browser. However, they cannot assess the cross-browser compatibility of the website without using specialized tools. The business must pick the right automation tools to help testers check the application's functionality across various browsers quickly and efficiently.

3) Pick Specific Criterions for Usability Testing

The usability and user experience of the web application will have a direct impact on keeping the visitors engaged and converting them into customers. So the business needs to ensure that its web application delivers quality and distinct user experience to each visitor. That is why; it must pick the right criterions to assess the application's usability effectively. To effectuate usability testing of the web application the business must pick key criterions like UX design, performance, speed, readability, accessibility, navigability, and amount of time and effort required by the user to perform a particular task.

4) Scale the Load Tests Incrementally

Each business must replicate the production environment exactly to load tests web applications more effectively. So it must identify and eliminate all issues related to hardware and system configuration in the test environment. At the same time, it is also important for testers to perform the load tests incrementally. They must run tests initially by replicating a smaller number of distributed users, and increase the number of users gradually. The incremental load testing will make it easier for the professionals to identify the exact point where the application crashes. They can perform the load tests in cycles, and analyze the test results of each cycle to assess how the website performs under varying user loads.

5) Create Simple and Reusable Tests

The quality of tests will also have direct impact on the whole web application testing process. Often complex tests affect the workflow adversely, and make it difficult for testers to identify the cause of the problem. The testers must not try to test multiple features or functionalities of the website using a single test. They must write simple tests to check specific features or functionality of the application. They can simply divide the workflow into multiple tests, and write each test to assess a particular aspect of the web application rigorously. At the same time, the testers also need to design reusable tests to quickly access the application across various browsers and devices.

It is always important for the business to make a comprehensive strategy to ensure that all aspects of the web application are tested rigorously. Also, the testers must repeat the tests under various conditions to assess the application's quality more accurately.

ZenQ has proven experience in providing customized web app performance testing services.

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