There are many reasons to wear a scarf. They are a good choice to upgrade every outfit and scarves are also a good protection in cold and chilly weather. For those reasons scarves are getting more and more recognition in the fashion industry. A newly discovered way of utilizing scarves is the trend to wear a scarf for business occasions as well.

There are many ways to tie a scarf appropriate to very different outfits and occassion.

We will show you 5 ways how you can tie your scarf according to business outfits.

We used a black and white silk scarf to demonstrate the different ways of tying.


  1. Variation:

For this special version you tie the scarf around you neck one time. Than you form a loop with the shorter end oft he scarf infront of your chest. Now you pull the longer end through this loop and you are all set.


  1. Variation:

Bundle the scarf like a neck tie. This version fits nicely to a suit. Put the scarf around your neck. Put the shorter end behind the longer end of the scarf. Now you wrap the shorter end around the longer way to form a loop. Than you take the longer end and pull it from behind through the loop. Afterwards straigthen the knot and position it on your neck accordingly.

For this version is some practice needed, but the enhancement for your business outfits is worth the hassle.


  1. Variation:

Put the scarf around your neck. Now take the short end and form a loop. Than you can pull the long end through this loop and the next upgrade for every outfit is set.


  1. Variation:

Follow the instructions of version 3. Afterwards take the long end and put it from behind over the loop.

This version is a nice extension for business as well as casual outfits.


  1. Variation:

Fold the scarf concentric. Than take the folded scarf and tie it around your neck. Now you can take the ends oft he scarf and pull them through the loop which was created by folding the scarf.

To fit this version to your business outfit just put the scarf under the collar of your shirt.


The explained instructions are devised for men and best fitting for business occasions. But these ways to wear a scarf are also a good edition to most casual outfits.

You can find the scarf I used for the instructions here:  :ücher/seidenschals-1-a-qualität/

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