You had the best job. It was your dream job, and you enjoyed going to work every day. That is, until one day you walk into the office and announced that you were pregnant. Everyone was happy for you, except your boss. Suddenly things started to change. The atmosphere was not so fun. Your boss was reprimanding you, and you didn't know why. Then, two months before your scheduled maternity leave, you got called into the boss's office and he fired you. You were caught completely off guard, and you couldn't figure out what just happened. While at home, you started to put some of the pieces of your termination together. As the picture clears, you realize that your boss fired you because you had gotten pregnant. In Los Angeles, that is considered wrongful termination and you need to hire a lawyer.

Being fired because of pregnancy is just one of many wrongful termination possibilities. For instance, if you are fired because of your race, religion, age (over 40), or gender; you might have been wrongfully terminated. If you signed a contract that wasn't completed, it is possible that you have a case against your employer. In any case, if you feel that your rights were violated, you need to hire a lawyer in Los Angeles right away.

When you contact a wrongful termination lawyer in Los Angeles you should expect to speak to someone who cares about you and your rights as an employee. Many wrongful termination lawyers in the Los Angeles area offer provide free information about employees' rights over the phone. When meeting with a wrongful termination attorney always be prepared. Tell the lawyer your story. You should answer the attorney's questions, and know the facts surrounding your termination from the beginning of the problems. Always allow the wrongful termination attorney to give you feedback. Remember, you are there to listen to the attorney, and not yourself talk. After a thorough consultation, the attorney should tell you whether or not you have a strong case. You should ask the wrongful termination lawyer questions also about their past history. You should try to find out how many trials they have had and what were the outcomes.

If the lawyer takes cases on a contingency basis, and it is determined you have a viable case, then the lawyer may offer to represent you. Make sure you fully understand the retainer agreement, before signing it. Ask questions about anything that you do not understand. Once you retain a wrongful termination attorney then you need to follow his/her advice. This is when you need to place your trust in the legal system and the lawyer you hired. You have been the victim of wrongful termination and your lawyer will work hard to see that you are compensated for your loss.

You may be the victim of wrongful termination if you were fired for a physical disability, mental disability, taking qualifying medical or maternity leave, or even for your religious beliefs. Your best course of action is to find a lawyer that is experienced dealing with California employment laws. The wrong thing to do is to take matters into your own hands or ignore the situation altogether. An employer should be stopped from denying their employees their workplace rights. Hire a wrongful termination lawyer in Los Angeles immediately to see that justice is served.

If you are looking for a Wrongful Termination Lawyer in the Los Angeles area , the author of this article recommends the Law Offices of Cummings & Franck, P.C.

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