With more and more people turning conscious about their body image, body sculpting is no longer limited to celebrities and those who are involved in the glamour industry.

Though many of us want to look good and have a fab body, several of us do not like the idea of going under the knife. If you belong to this group, then non-surgical body sculpting is the right choice for you.

What is non-surgical body sculpting?

This is the process through which you can lose your body fat through technologies like ultra contour utilizing HIFU, cool sculpting and massage based treatments like endermologie. All these processes involve the disrupting of the fat cells and its removal through suction. For example – HIFU / high intensity focused ultrasound energy helps in increasing the tissue temperature which in turn causes irreversible damage to the fat cells in the body. The fat cells are converted to triglycerides, which are later eliminated naturally by the liver.

For example – HIFU / high intensity focused ultrasound energy helps in increasing the tissue temperature which in turn causes irreversible damage to the fat cells in the body. The fat cells are converted to triglycerides, which are later eliminated naturally by the liver.

This process requires around 6 to 10 sittings depending on the fat content in your body. The result of this process depends to a large extent on the way your body responds to the treatment. Right from 2 inch reduction, there are clients who see a reduction of upto 7 inches. Ultra contour is one of the best non-surgical ways of body scultping, because not only does it gives proven results, but it is also one of the safest ways of reducing weight.

Ultra contour is one of the best non-surgical ways of body scultping, because not only does it gives proven results, but it is also one of the safest ways of reducing weight.

Cool sculpting process on the other hand involves using of controlled cooling to target the fat cells beneath the skin. The treated fat cells are crystallised or frozen to death. Later the body eliminates these crystallised fats in a matter of weeks thereby giving you a sculpted body.

This process is not only safe, effective and non-surgical, but is also apporved by the FDA. Also as it is a totally non-surgical procedure, the client can presume his daily activities soon after the treatment.

How should undergo this treatment?

This treatment is basiclly for those people who are unable to go on dieting and follow an exercise regime. Also for those who are looking for spot reduction of body fat, this is surely the best way to get the kind of body you always dreamt of.

Though most people are eligible for the non-surgical body sculpting treatment, those who have grown old might have difficulty in getting the results, as their metabolism rate turns to be very slow. This is why cosmetologists do not recommend this treatment to those who are above 60 years of age.

For more information on bosy sculpting and related weight loss treatments like vaser liposuction, visit www.cosmeticstudio.in or call at +91 98450 73096.



Source : articlesbase.com


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