Are you bored watching the same news telecast? It's time to change and look for world latest news today. Let's find news happenings all around the world at present. Six small islands are under global moratorium on coals. Leaders from the Cook Islands, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau and Tuvalu caught up on Monday ahead of the wider 16 nation Pacific Island Forum leader's summit and retreat which include Australia and New Zealand later this week. They issued a special declaration on climate change that demanded the world limit the global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius and that countries uphold the principle of polluter pays.

As per world latest news today, a 12-year-old Indian-origin girl in the UK has achieved the highest possible score of 162 on a Mensa IQ test, outwitting physicists Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking. Lydia Sebastian from Essex has joined the one per cent of all entrants to attain the highest mark in the Cattell III B paper supervised by Mensa, the society for people with high IQs. Lydia completed the paper with minutes to spare at the sitting at Birkbeck College, London during her school holidays. Lydia is talented in other areas and has been playing the violin since aged four. She starting talking at the age of just six months, her parents said.

It seems that the world is no place to live. In latest breaking news, 10 Saudi soldiers were killed in a Houthi missile strike at a military base in the eastern province of Maarib in Yemen. The strike on Friday also left 45 UAE soldiers and five Bahrainis dead, the heaviest losses since the Saudi-led coalition began in March a campaign of air strikes targeting the Shiite Houthi rebels, Xinhua news agency quoted Al Arabiya TV channel as saying on Saturday. The strike occurred on Friday when Houthis fired a missile and hit a weapons store at a military camp, killing the soldiers who are part of the Saudi-led coalition. Refugee crisis melted hearts of millions! 3-year-old boy could have been dressed for preschool.

Instead he was lying face down in the surf. Suddenly offers of money, meals and refuge are pouring in to help the hundreds of thousands of migrants surging into Europe. A single photo of a lifeless boy did more to galvanize public sympathy for Europe's migrants than thousands of drowning in the Mediterranean or four years of Syrian civil war. Yet for many people from London to Athens to San Francisco, something clicked Thursday. There will be a before and an after, a collective memory of the image of a 3-year-old on a Turkish beach, that moment when the migrants' plight became tangible and unjustifiably cruel.

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