If you have been scourging the net long enough some of the points given might seem to be familiar but , it may be presumed that there is no harm if you are reminded of them before starting off with assignments.
The Introduction and the Outline
If you wish to succeed in writing a great assignment proper and adequate preparation holds the key. The importance of crafting an outline before you begin to write the actual assignment itself cannot be overstressed. The outline should be inclusive of the main points discussed in the assignment. This will help you in remaining focused while writing down your work besides clearly defining the key points. It will also aid you in keeping your thoughts organized and also make the relevant research far easier. It will also enable you to split up the task into a number of sections and divide the word count accordingly.
The introduction comes close on the heels of the outline and in many cases represents the assignment quality to the reader. The background should be discussed briefly and indicate the objectives of the assignment in addition to indicating the way in which the work has been organized all within the space of one or two paragraphs.
Practical Tips To Help You Through
The following tips will make your work more effective and focused:
- Thinking Critically
One of the characteristics of academic writing is critical thinking not only to achieve intellectual richness but also because it is usually a factor that has a significant bearing on the final marks.
- Flow of Ideas
It is easy to get it all messed up and end up being confused right in the midst of the assignment. There should be continuous flow of ideas between subsequent paragraphs so that you will be able to follow the argument with ease. Properly spacing out the subject matter assumes great importance in this particular respect.
- Using the words you and I
Academic writing is meant to be impersonal so use of personal voice in the form of you and I are to be avoided. The best possible ways to build up arguments is through the use of opinions of authorities in the field and cite evidences from reliable sources.
- Make Proper Referencing
Referencing has a vital bearing on the final grade achieved by you. Use the reference style used by your institution or as asked by the teacher and cite the works of others accordingly.
- Use Examples
You should be able to provide a clear understanding of the topic of the assignment by making comparisons on different sources and zero in on the weaknesses and strengths objectively. This is also the part of the assignment where you can point out practical applications of the concepts discussed.
- Prefer Paragraphs
Dread the use of bullets and numbering and instead prefer use of paragraphs.
- Use Tables and Figures
Tables and figures enable you to easily convey information without bloating up the word count. Ensure that they have clear and proper headings and do not forget to cite the sources in the bibliography.
- Stick to the Word Count
Make sure that you do not exceed or fail to meet the word count considerably and in this the outline should prove to be of invaluable help.
Have an Effective Conclusion
The last chance to impress and convince the reader to your point of view through the use of powerful arguments is presented by means of the conclusion. In academic writing it usually has three pivotal parts.
- The aim and context of the assignment
- A Brief summary of the main points
- And provide final comments and a consideration of what may happen or needs to be done.
Assignment writing help in USA
If for any reason you feel you are not up to the task of writing an assignment that will ensure a great grade you can always consult Scholarly Writers, a premiere assignment writing service in USA.
Source : articlesbase.com
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